[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UmLPAXf.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180707/1d50f363a36c7e98c93b5def3b819485.png[/img] [img]https://em.wattpad.com/7c33ddc20152c62ce15bf92405e597f9bd6dcb37/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f713050566d364f48575472584e413d3d2d3531393838343635332e313530383430346630356165383533323539353037313037333333332e676966?s=fit&w=1280&h=1280[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d7EbtLb8ok][color=35996B] Let’s See How Far We’ve Come[/color][/url] [img]https://i.imgur.com/sI5XG7i.png[/img] [/center][hr][hr] [color=silver] [color=brown]"Hey, it's Mari. I'm fucking busy right now, or I'm ignoring you. So miss me with that voicemail gay shit and just shoot me a damn text. It's not that hard to fucking text someone, 'k? See ya."[/color] the words of Marisol's voicemail rang out from Archer’s phone for the fourth time. [color=35996B]“Or you can answer your fucking phone”[/color] he muttered in frustration shoving his phone back in his pocket. The young man had already scoured the whole dance without even one sighting of his best friend or her date. After a quick call to her brother that confirmed she wasn't home either. Archer started to get worried, his concerned eyes scanning the parking lot for any solace. The only thing he found were Abigail Grant, a girl that also frequented the surf shack so you could call her an acquaintance. Archer shrugged seeing he had nothing to lose and sprinted over. [color=35996B]“Hey Abbie! Have you seen Mari?”[/color] he asked as he came closer. The girl was laughing wildly at something her date had said as she turned, eyes glanced over: she was high as a kite. [b]“Archie! Where have you been all night?!”[/b] she thought for a moment before exclaiming “Oh yeah I saw her leaving with that snack for a date of hers!” she took another puff of her dates joint. [b]“You should join us dude!”[/b] she gestured towards the two of them. [color=35996B][I]I'd rather die![/I][/color] he thought as he politely declined walking backwards towards his car. Rolling his eyes hard as he turned his back on them. As soon as he reached his car he took a deep breath. At least she wasn't alone and in relatively safe hands. Before starting his car he sent her brother a text asking him to keep him updated. Then he left the dance and a surprisingly pleasant evening behind him. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UmLPAXf.png[/img][/center] Not drinking the night before was a great decision. Archer opened his eyes around 9 am feeling fresh and well rested. Getting out of bed felt freakishly easy, was it maybe what he had planned for later in the day he mused as he trudged in to his bathroom for a quick shower before he went downstairs for breakfast. At the breakfast table his mother kept glancing at her son. After a few minutes of this the boy estarted to get irritated. [color=35996B]“Is there something on my face?”[/color] he asked not taking his eyes of his bowl of cereal. [color=20573A]“No, I was just wondering how your night went yesterday. That they paired you with Ariel was such a stroke of luck! You guys were always so cute together!”[/color] she cooed.[color=20573A] “Did you end the night like a gentleman? Give her a little kiss?” [/color] Archer looked up at his mother with disbelief splattered all over his face. He sat blinking at his mother [color=35996B]“Yes, and then I magically turned straight and took her back here and we made sweet love all night. She's actually still up there right now.”[/color] he said in a a bored monotone voice. This made even his father snort in to eggs behind his Sunday paper. Even though it was more at his son than with him. His mother became visibly flustered [color=20573A]“No I… I- I meant…”[/color] she stuttered. Archer smiled at his mother and patted her on the shoulder as he stood up.[color=35996B] “I know mom, I'm just joking. I know it's hard to give up the dream of having two ‘All American sons’.”[/color] he said putting his dishes in the dishwasher. His father cleared his throat and peered annoyed at Archer over the top of the newspaper. The boy took this as his que to leave rushing out of the kitchen and bounding up the stairs in to his room. There he spent the rest of the morning reading in his big bay window until his phone vibrated beside him. [center][color=brown]"Need to see you. Meet me at the shack in 10."[/color][/center] Archer rolled his eyes. This was top tier Mari: Nice and Cryptic. At least he now knew the damn girl was alive. [/color]