Okay, so there are four potential target cities, I have numbered them based on the order they are introduced in the opening post. I am making a roll on a four-sided die to determine the party's destination. 1. Omega 2. Thromburg 3. Lathesa's Roost 4. Sarm's Tears https://www.roleplayerguild.com/campaigns/472 The results are in, on to Omega, Crown Jewel of The Free Guilds. To quote Gudrun Harkenstone, the Dwarf Councillor, [color=fff200]"Omega is a hub of knowledge and a good place to obtain whatever the world has to offer, perhaps not the best quality, but decent. The god there, Omega Mammon, will also bless those among your party who are of the metal affinity, and is known to increase their champion's luck."[/color] You'll have to discuss how the party reached the agreement to head to Omega, maybe Lans made a heartful plea to find his adoptive father, maybe Rehsif shared the strategic benefits of gathering information, or maybe they just agreed that starting at the North and working their way Southward seemed like a good idea. I'll get a post up for the timeskip