[@Rai][@Mogget] Hurrah’s eyes were wide with shock and he held a dumbfounded expression as he was ejected from the ooze, but as the confusion of the situation settled his mouth erupted into a bright wide smile as he threw himself at his bigger sister, wrapping his goo covered arms around her and sharing his residue slime as he giggled with joy and squeezed her tightly. [color=lightblue]”Im alright Jo-jo, [sub]as long as you don’t leave me again.[/sub]”[/color] He squeezed her extra tight to ensure she wasn’t going anywhere. Suddenly remembering his friends he dashed out before the horse and cradled them up in his arms. He snapped back at Aelithea defensively. [color=lightblue][b]”She can too! He’s just little and still learning.”[/b][/color] Pouting, he poked his tongue out at her before turning his back and excitedly going back to his sister, friends in arms, mood flipped as he introduced them.