The smack of metal hitting the base fortification of the once pristinely ornate table which no doubt held its own history drew Aark's attention. A slight turn of the head allowed the edge of their visor to view the deer-skull sallet of their apparently misguided kindman. This position was held for a palpable moment longer than what some would consider a glance and far before what others would term 'staring'. [color=a187be]"Ich glaube, Sie irren sich verzweifelt darüber, für wen Sie mich glauben..."[/color] Aark spoke in an unammused tone once the queen had finished speaking, attention questionably still aimed towards Nebel. Armored fingers clicked through the woven metal of the guard on their rapier, softly drawing it and placing it on the table with a hand over the blade as well as the guard in a casual manner of displaying their weapon rather than flourishing it through some brandish. [color=a187be]"Wird das alles sein?"[/color] Their voice came once more, this time in a hastened hiss of a tone meant to hush the man before returning to the queen without waiting for Nebel's response, hands remaining where they were in spite of how the helmet turned back to the local nobility. [color=a187be]"Zee ancient weapons vould be zeh best place to start. If Abraxas vill not cease its violence through persuasion, alone...we must be ready to respond in kind"[/color] Aark answered the queen, their tone imparting a respect for the request of keeping the beast alive while impressing a professional edge that sizzled with the wrathful scorn of one who would, in some misguided sense, anticipate the answer they were proposing with their proposed proposal. [color=a187be]"If there is any love for the goblinoids or other aberrations who've taken The Crown of Ispar, I should know, now"[/color] The tone continuing from the first response, though this time more expecting in a phrasing that could easily be construed as a joke. All things considered, the request that the dragon being spared was play enough into the humor found in the seriously spoken words of the knight, assuming the royalty had even a hint of who wore the armor, now. They would do their best to play by the rules that would yield the most favorable outcome, but, contrary to the fanaticism found in Nebel's mannerisms, [i]this[/i] Isparian's thirst for blood was planned for the long term. On that note, Aark turned their head back to Nebel as they withdrew their knife, following suit with returning their blade to its scabbard. [color=a187be]"Eine Handvoll Glaube würde Ihrer Paranoia eine Summe Gutes bringen..."[/color] They mused as the hexer before continuing, [color=a187be]"En... Bitte zeigen Sie ein wenig Respekt vor unseren Gastgebern? Bitte? Wenn wir auf derselben Seite sein wollen, werde ich von Ihnen verlangen, dass Ihr Verstand klingt."[/color] Their patience waning as the hexer proceeded with their humming as if knowing how it grated against their kinsman's nerves. [color=a187be]"Ich verspreche, dass ich Ihnen alle Antworten geben werde, die Sie verdienen, wenn die Zeit richtig ist. Es ist respektlos, unter anderen zu sprechen, die die Sprache, die Sie sprechen, nicht verstehen. Dies würde ihnen Gründe geben zu glauben, dass wir über sie reden."[/color] They conclude with a chuckle of self-awareness, attempting the peculiar humor as a way of bridging some kind of gap beyond what could be seen in the mere presence of their armor.