[h1][i][center][url=https://stuporheroes.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/batbeard2.jpg]Reno Valentine[/url][/center][/i][/h1][center][i](click for image)[/i][/center] [hr][hr] A squid had his leg! No matter how hard he pulled, he couldn't get away from it. Reno bit his lip, trying to hold his breath, the water moving around him. He could hardly see, but he could make out the silhouette of his opposition. The monstrosity of the deep. Its tentacles wrapped around his ankles showing no signs of weakness. Reno pulled and, as he saw the creature's mouth emerge, ever advancing, he screamed. Bubbles encasing morbid shreaks of hopelessness floated up around Reno's face toward the water's surface miles above. If he could be heard, a passerby would know he was screaming "[color=f7976a]HELP ME! OH, GOD, PLEASE GET THIS F@&^#ING THINK OFF ME![/color]" He gave his leg another hard tug. It was looser... Progress. Again, he tugged. This time it was completely loose! Reno kicked his leg out as hard as he could... ...and hit the pavement. He was suddenly conscious, laying poolside at the Royal Palms Resort. Beside him was a lawnchair, constructed by metal and ribbons of rubber. As he looked it over, he noticed one of his sandals lodged between two of the ribbons. "[color=f7976a]Ha. Squid.[/color]" Reno was amused by many things. Self deprecation was certainly one of them. [i][color=f7976a]You fucking idiot,[/color][/i] he thought to himself. Reno squinted toward the sunrise. As he looked around, the remnants of the party were fully present, but the participants of said party were a bit more scarce. There were empty plastic cups, questionable piles of biological material, cigarette butts, empty cans... Reno surveyed the area and found his eyes set on the only person standing. A middle aged man who could be described as thin except for the beer belly that he'd clearly spent years developing. "[color=f7976a]'Ey, man,[/color]" he called out. "[color=f7976a]That was a freakin rager, huh?[/color]" The man didn't seem responsive. Reno shrugged and set his hands into motion. They scoured each and every one of his pickets until they found the treasure they were looking for. A half-smoked pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He pulled out a cig with his thumb and index finger and propped into mouth before setting is ablaze. Between puffs, he called out again, "[color=f7976a]So where the hell are the rest if 'em?[/color]" Reno waved his arms, showcasing all of his surroundings with so few people populating the space, almost all of whom were still passed out. He let out a nervous chuckle, trying to coax a response out of his counterpart. No luck. Slowly, the other man started walking toward him in the most awkward fashion, taking staggered baby steps. "[color=f7976a]Ha. Brother, I think you need to sit down.[/color]" Reno looked at himself and realized he wasn't in much better shape. He pulled himself up with a shallow grunt and stretched out, moaning his pleasure out audibly as he did so. He glanced down at the ground to see if he was missing anything but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. With that, he moved back toward the direction of the hotel lobby. It was time to get a proper nap with pillows and blankets and mattresses... and possibly pretty women... "[color=f7976a]Well take care, man[/color]" he called out to the guy that moved like he had cerebral palsy. "[color=f7976a]See ya when I see ya, I guess.[/color]" He never even looked back. Guy seemed weird. Not worth the time. As Reno took another puff of his cigarette, he couldn't help but think to himself, [color=f7976a][i]I'm so glad I took this vacation[/i][/color].