Thinking about jumping in as an dictorial like last remaining Dragon Lord type king character, who coincidentally has the last living dragon as a mount. Was inspired by this pic. [img][/img] Edit: His name would be Caedmon Ordmaer, his titles Lord of The Draetor Empire and the Last Dragon Lord of House Ordmaer. I had an idea in mind for him to be a antagonist in this RP. Draetor would be an empire in the frigid lands of Vrommathan far to the north of Erlad, beyond a massive and mostly impassable mountain chain called the Teeth of Sorrow. The Draetor Empire itself would consist of seven large cities surrounded by small outlying towns and village's, which would in turn be ruled over by seven houses, with House Ordmaer and their city of FolgÄrd being the most powerful and well defended of them all, thus making their members the leader's of the entire empire by default. As for the currency, they use a variety of metal coins each engraved with the image of the House member currently in charge of the Empire, in this case the visage of Emporer Caedmon of House Ordmaer. And their language both written and spoken is similar to real world ancient Norse/Scandinavian. In ancient times, each house had a series of dragons that they used in and out of battle as mounts, but due to a period of in fighting within the Empire, then kingdom, and a mysterious plague that killed off most of dragon kind, only House Ordmaer has managed to retain a dragon mount. Also, a brief note on the House's, in modern times they opporate more like organisations or guilds, taking in those who pass their trials or those they deem worthy. In the distant past however, when Draetor was still a kingdom and dragon kind hadn't been decimated, the House's were controlled by members of the families that originally founded them and someone outside of a particular House's bloodline was not, no matter what they did, allowed to join. Obviously this rule, along with many other societal issue's of the time, is what led to the infighting later on, which in turn helped contribute to the extinction of dragon kind and secured House Ordmaer's rise to power.