[center][img]https://i-h2.pinimg.com/564x/9a/85/3e/9a853eabb1ecbefed47e4fe6daba6fe8.jpg[/img] [sub][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJeBz3HxGsI]Lokkir Hrodvar Vardaskr[/url] 170cm [color=ECA8FF]◆[/color] 23 [color=ECA8FF]◆[/color] April 4th[/sub][/center] [color=ECA8FF][b]Trivia Info[/b][/color] [indent][color=ECA8FF]◇[/color] Received his scars when he tried to stop his eldest sister during the Burning of Etanclif [color=ECA8FF]◇[/color] Right eye was a prosthetic gift from a joint venture research effort of the new alliance; is now the proud owner of a golden yellow iris right alongside his natural aetheric purple [color=ECA8FF]◇[/color] Has the moniker of "White Terror" when together with Vedr [color=ECA8FF]◇[/color] Commanded an aeriel bombardment unit known as the "Ashclouds" [color=ECA8FF]◇[/color] Isolated himself from his soldiers during his time on the field [color=ECA8FF]◇[/color] Like the rest of his family save his mother, his natural hair color is white that he regularly dyes black [color=ECA8FF]◇[/color] Biologically female[/indent] [b]Hudvalr Royal Family[/b] [indent] [color=crimson]◆[/color] (49) [sup]King[/sup] Thorbjorn Askel Vardaskr, the "Ash Guardian" [color=royalblue]◆[/color] (47) [sup]Queen[/sup] Þorunn Asleif Vardaskr, the "Ash Tender" [color=deeppink]◆[/color] (28) [sup]First Princess[/sup] Sanngrid Nefstein Vardaskr, the "Stone Valkyrie," or the "Stone Butcher" [color=darkturquoise]◆[/color] (26) [sup]Second Princess[/sup] Sigrdrifa Valgard Vardaskr, the "Silent Skald" [color=lightskyblue]◆[/color] (24) [sup]Third Princess[/sup] Alfi Halfdan Vardaskr, the "Pixie Princess" [color=lightpink]◆[/color] (19) [sup]Fourth Princess[/sup] Hrist Aud Vardaskr[/indent] [b]Royal Dragons[/b] [indent][color=darkred]◆[/color] Eldr, bonded to Thorbjorn [color=orangered]◆[/color] [sup](Deceased)[/sup] Bal, bonded to Sanngrid [color=mediumblue]◆[/color] Foss, bonded to Sigrdrifa [color=snow]◆[/color] Vedr, bonded to Lokkir [sub]Fun fact, a flock of dragons is called a "calamity"[/sub][/indent] [b]Bonus Songs[/b] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IrJzEQLKHE]◇[/url] Liar [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAQr_G_xOmo]◇[/url] Persecution [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WROI5WYBU_A]◇[/url] Signals [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41tIUr_ex3g]◇[/url] The Spine[/indent]