Atop the walls were many figures. Seen from a distance, most would look alike with subtle movements and a stiff and nervous manner. Having to simply stand and wait for the chaos on the fens to spread and lash the city walls was a tough challenge for the young and impatient. But, fishing rewards patience, stillness, sure strikes and the waters around the shipping routes had a valuable bounty for those who had no fear of getting a little dirty. Though, in times like these, the men with the skills to reap those rewards were mostly gathered aboard the merchant vessels. Their skills would be useful on the waves. One of them had joined the shapes on the wall. Perfectly still, he stood calmly. He had a tall basket of woven fen grass beside him on his right that was full of javelins and harpoons. Leaning against the wall on his left was a short spear with strips of metal running the length of the pole between the spike that tipped it and the steel capped butt that had proven useful in several dockside scuffles. He wore little by way of armor, a simple leather jerkin with detached sleeves that included gloves and thick leather pants that were long enough to almost cover the fact that the young man was barefoot. Boots could slip on wet stone as easily as on wet deck boards. The young man was in a shadowed place between torches where the presence of lights made him all the more difficult to see. Scurr Nippled-Bottom was not a person with great prospects. But, he was handsome enough and he knew how to hide from the fish and the Black Squid of the deeps. He was almost ready to marry his girl too. It would be dangerous, but a little loot from the battle and he'd be able to afford that dress that Lita'd been wanting. It'd help soothe her father's doubts about him too. In the meantime, she and her family were busy securing passage with one of the more reputable merchants. She'd be safe, at least. His thumb slowly traced the pattern of a charm she had given him, a lock of her hair braided in a betrothal knot and secured with a strip of white linen. He tucked the charm in his belt, secure but out of the way, while being careful to not move anything that could be seen above the battlements. His stillness would make him seem like part of the wall rather than a defender. It should help him get the drop on the first enemies to approach. He swallowed hard. He had never killed a man before. He wasn't looking forward to it. He cast a sidelong glance down the length of the wall to where that noble lady was standing. She was a looker, he wouldn't lie, but there was something about her that put him off. Eh, he was happy with his Lita. But, maybe if he stuck just close enough to this lady he might be able to ride the shadows and make both his mark and his profit. Riding the shadows was what harpooners like him did best, skimming the edge of the most active fishing grounds and picking off the prey that were distracted by the commotion. Most of their catches were literally in the shadows of other boats, either right under their noses or hiding in the shadow cast by their sails. Hopefully, he'd be able to read the shadows well enough to not get caught up in the fighting too much. Death didn't bring profit... or ring wedding chimes.