[b][u][color=skyblue][h3]PoTC[/h3][/color][/u][/b] [hider=Asami Feng] [center][color=red][i]"I was not raised to be cowardly, so if you want to turn back, I suggest you make it quick, because I'm not slowing down,"[/i][/color] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/e2ab0160d3f4b20a0bc903f2a67e7b14/tumblr_inline_p7go4iDYbi1rlmk3j_250.gif[/img] [color=red][h3]Asami Feng[/h3][/color] [color=red][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] Nineteen [color=red][b][u]Weapons:[/u][/b][/color] [hider=Cutlass:] [img]https://www.buyingasword.com/images/PRODUCT/large/ZS-901110-BS_1_.png[/img] [/hider] [hider=Pistol:] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTUX_7Nl_UmvGDQRvgC8xkl7ptiyKV0bmEE9vo_EcykphAxUwoc[/img] [/hider] [color=red][b][u]Strengths:[/u][/b][/color] [b]Fearless:[/b] Asami is not one who is known to be scared of anything, in fact she'll hake any situation head on if you let her. She's foolhardy, confident to the point of cockiness, and has a lot of pride. This can often lead to her throwing herself into situations and not knowing how she will come out of them. She's been in many near death experiences due to this, so it could very well be her greatest downfall, but as of late it's worked in her favor. She's quick on her feet and was taught well, so she can take care of herself. She'll never back down though, not until her last dying breath. [b]Intelligent:[/b] Unlike most pirates, Asami has a brain. She's highly intelligent and can be quite sneaky or tricky in her methods to get her way. Being a woman, she knows how to sweet talk a man to get him to give her things, but she never takes it too far, and she's quick with her cutlass if she needs to be. But she's very good at thinking her way out of situations and thinking outside the box. [b]One of the Guys:[/b] While Asami can dress up and play the part, she really is just one of the guys. She doesn't like being treated as delicate because she's a woman, and she can take on any job that a man can do (at least in her opinion). She prefers to just be thought of as another member of the crew, regardless of her gender. She will often dress more masculine, as the clothes she finds, are so much more comfortable. [color=red][b][u]Weaknesses:[/u][/b][/color] [b]Impulsive:[/b] While Asami is good at thinking of way out of situations, it is usually her own rash behavior that Landa her [i]in[/i] those situations to begin with, as she is quite the impulsive person. She is known for jumping the gun, overreacting, and diving into things before thinking properly. [b]Cocky:[/b] Asami doesn't like to admit that she wrong, or that she had miscalculated a decision or situation of hers. She's too confident in her skills, to the point of recklessness. She's often found boasting about the things she's done when drunk, making claims that she's more man than half her crew put together. [b]Thin & Small:[/b] While Asami is good at ducking and doing her way through a fight, she's doesn't have much muscle on her. She wouldn't stack well in a test of brute strength. She's speedy, but not very strong. [color=red][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] Asami is crass, confident, cocky, sarcastic, humorous, adventurous... A number of things. Mostly, she's not one to sit around and be lazy, and she will work twice as hard as any man. She is a very skilled swordswoman, having trained for years to perfect her style of fighting(it's like a dance to her). She can be proper when she needs to be, but prefers to just be laid-back. She's always down for a drink and a story with the guys. She's courageous and strong, light on her feet, and a night owl. She loves to read, look over maps, travel, pillage, plunder and otherwise enjoy her time out on the free waters. The ocean makes me feel alive. [color=red][b][u]History/Bio:[/u][/b][/color] Asami was born the only child to Pirate Lord of the South China Sea Sao Feng, her mother being a barmaid who worked in Shipwreck Cove. From her earliest memories, Asami was surrounded by pirates and their way of life. She was raised on the sea and it's moods, it's highs and lows. She loved the sea and evetything about it. She knew one day she would inherit the title of Pirate Lord, and she couldn't think of any greater honor. She wanted nothing more than to spend her life on the sea. As she grew, Asami learned all she could about captaining a ship, about the constellations and how to read a map. She learned to fight rather well, and she was a good shot with the pistol. But her father was stern and expecting if her to live up to her role as Pirate Lord. He was hard on her, even if he spoiled her more than anyone else. She was his gem, and he cared for no one more. The feeling was vice versa, as the two had a very close relationship due to it being the two of them(her mother stayed and lived on Shipwreck Cove, Asami saw her from time to time). [/center][/hider]