As the two were talking a light shined over Hurrah. He and his monsters were briefly engulfed in a healing light produced from a rune above them. [color=#6C2DC7]"I don't mind using my new monster's ability on the help. Besides it will only grow stronger for doing so."[/color] Aelithea was smiling with a soul shard in her hand. She tossed it to her slime and it landed on its surface. The light within it fading before the shard was spit out a few feet away. The moving structures inside the slime moving more rapidly as if it had been given a jolt of energy. [color=#6C2DC7]"Toodles losers!"[/color] She began to ride off on her horse giving a single wave before disappearing into the town. Zephel stepped back as Nix transformed before him. He kept his surprise to himself, though his face was visibly so. "So true bloods do still exist..." He said to himself aloud. "Bidzil and Nix!" He began. "Joining the Magoi and studying under their vast knowledge of magic is one thing. But to become a master tamer is a whole other level of accomplishment." He crossed his arms and closed his eyes in thought. "This will be a test of who you are as a person. Magic is a tool and monsters when used correctly can produce magic stronger than you've ever seen. They are all deeply rooted to this world as so should we. If you succeed in that then you can become whatever you desire. I assure you." He looked to Bidzil and Nix and could tell they were connected. [@Dark Light][@Mogget][@Jollan]