Penelope smiled at him encouragingly. "Of course. No one's first attempt at writing is perfect." She leaned back slightly as she watched him try to copy the way she had written her name. The knight smiled to herself as she watched him write it out. In showing him how to write, she felt like she sharing a bit of her life with him since she had grown up with such education. Part of her wished she had thought to ask him about it sooner, especially when he seemed to gain a bit of enthusiasm after writing for the first time. "Here. I'll show you." she grinned, encouraged by the enthusiasm he was showing. She took the quill back and dipped it in the ink again as she shifted her paper closer to herself again. "Well, for Crow, it's C-R-O-W." she explained pointing out the letters to him again as she went over how to spell his name. The knight gave a small smirk. "You might recognize that a little if you've ever looked at your wanted posters." she mused, knowing that his name was always written in bold on them. The knight paused and looked over at him before pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. "And if you want to know how to spell your real name," she added softly. "I believe it's C-O-L-L-I-N. People spell names differently sometimes but that's how I'd spell yours." Penelope gave a small shrug as she carefully wrote out his name beneath his alias. Once she finished she turned to him again and gave a small smile. "You'll notice that both your names start with 'C'. It usually has a 'cuh' sound to it.. And in Collin, the only new letter is 'I' which is probably pretty familiar sounding since it's used alone quite a bit, even though that's not how it sounds in your name." She offered him the quill again so he could try writing his own name for the first time. "Once you get used to how the letters sound, you'll probably be able to start recognizing when you're using them in some of the words you say." she told him as she leaned back a bit in her chair, looking over the papers in front of them.