Penelope stiffened slightly as she noticed Crow hurry to hide the paper from view. Unfortunately, it seemed he hadn't been fast enough as her father asked who Collin was. She glanced helplessly towards Crow, unable to say anything in time to cover for the accidental reveal. The knight looked back at her father as he went on to address her about their quarters being prepared. She stumbled to answer him at first, still a bit thrown off by his sudden discovery of Crow's name. She wasn't sure if it was information she could trust with her father. Though he seemed tolerant of Crow, there was still a chance that could change in time. Recovering from her surprise, she gave a small nod to John and then look over to Crow. "Guess I better get going. I'll see you sometime tomorrow then." she mumbled softly before pressing a quick kiss to his lips. She was still a bit hesitant being physical with the thief around her father but since she wasn't quite sure when she'd be able to spend time with him again, she had to at least give him one parting kiss. With that, she stood up and walked over to join her father as he turned to lead the way out of the room. As John closed the door behind them, he turned to look over at Penelope. She shifted a bit uncomfortably as she noticed him studying her for a brief moment before taking the lead to head down the hallway. It left the knight wondering what was on his mind. Perhaps it was because of her clearly having known Crow's real name already and not saying anything. Or perhaps it was because of something else. Luckily she didn't have to wait long to find out as he glanced over his shoulder at her. "So, would you like to explain why William is suggesting that I keep a close eye on you two?" he asked. "He seems to be a bit.. overly suspicious." Penelope flinched. So it seemed William had approached her father after all. Though it sounded like he hadn't tried to give away anything other than that John needed to keep a close eye on the thief being around his daughter. She hoped it wouldn't progress any further then that. "Exactly how long has this been going on Penelope?" John asked narrowing his eyes as her reaction seemed to answer his question. "How many people know about this?" "Not as long as you're probably thinking... Yes it did start back then but we parted ways for two years.. It's a long story" she explained, lowering her voice as she moved to walk closer to her father. "William only knows about back then not now but he's suspicious... And aside from him, only Gavin...and Olivia." Her father pinched the bridge of his nose as he learned about the others knowing of her relationship with Crow. "And Mia's suspicious. She mentioned thinking you two were friends to me when we spoke." John muttered shaking his head disapprovingly. "I swear that boy better use his head and take the king's offer. At this rate, you'll both be in bigger trouble than you'll be able to handle." Her father focused his gaze back ahead as he lead them to their quarters for the night. Penelope let out a small sigh and trailed behind him without arguing. Her father seemed a bit frustrated with them so she figured it was best not to push him too much by explaining how she trusted both Gavin and Olivia or how she was certain they could eventually throw off William and Mia.