[@Burger]Totally not sus, that a psychopath would be the first to uncover dead bodies in alleyways. Totally not sus at all. [s]You're the bad guy here.[/s] [@AardWolf]You'd be the fourth, which is still within my 'small group' limits, so feel free to toss up a pitch. And here's the CS, for anyone who feels like neglecting their other commitments to get this done early. Powers and abilities aren't a part of it, because I can more or less memorize what they are and hey, hidden talents are always fun to reveal later on. [hider=CS Template] [b]Identity:[/b] Name, age, gender, and physical description, as well as general stuff like where do they work/study/live. [b]Psyche:[/b] How their mind functions and whether or not they have any noteworthy traumas, fears, or obssessions. [b]Background:[/b] Any bit of their past that you think is relevant to your character. I will fill in any gaps you've left. Feel free to keep it brief. [b]Quirks:[/b] Any particular habits or preferences they may have that you want to note down for future reference. Optional. [b]Relationships:[/b] Create three characters that have some degree of significance with your character. One paragraph for each. Be sure to include some semblance of name and appearance for these people, as well as the nature of the relationship. [b]Locations:[/b] Create three locations that your character frequents or has emotional attachment to within Tenoroshi. One paragraph for each. Be sure to give it a name and have a general idea of where it is. [/hider]