[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WTurGol.png[/img][/center][color=#2f7a9f][center]Venture Academy - School Grounds[/center][center]Interactions - [@Bea][/center][/color] Perking at the announcement leaking through Venture's loud speakers, Neoh halted his stride. Thoughts came washing their way across the boy's mind as he considered the situation. An event, a capture the flag game? Was it time, already? Neoh could recall the previous events put on display across the academy, but nothing to this extent. This was going to be broadcasted for the world to see, something which had not been done, in the past. Venture tended towards a very reclusive state, where it maintained a distance from the surrounding world. The school had, after all, been built on an island, away from the peering eyes of public masses. Placing his hand on the large door separating Neoh and his brother from the outside gardens, he pushed it open before stepping into the warm, comforting sun laying itself upon his exposed skin. There were not many students within the academy who dressed like Neoh. None, in fact. Those ripped jeans were a fashion statement, surely. A tank top coating his slender torso tightly hugged the boy's frame, barely visible beneath the vest worn above. With arms laid bare, lithe appendages one would be right to assume weak, and dianty, Neoh enjoyed the summer heat as it massaged his pale surface. Several bracelets donned the young hero's forearms, black and blue in color to remind onlookers of his preferred theme. Of course, he was rarely seen without those fingerless leather gloves donning his hands. They had, however, not been designed with real leather in mind, something he would be quick to point out. However, their decorated state with blue inlines and accents was enough to draw the fabric quite beautiful in nature. Neoh did not shy away from the more mystical aspects of his powers, to the point where he enjoyed a bombastic expression. Motioning towards a restaurant, one of the Asian variants, Neoh was well aware of his brother's preferred dining spot. They had indulged in the options of Venture Wok's mouth watering menu notable times in the past, and it had yet to bore their taste. Upon entering a dimly lit interior, they were immidatly struck by the trademark scent of oriental food, the sound of sizzling pans and the soothing touch of Asian instruments. A soft carpet colored red to symbolize a most prevelant contrast within the silken orient met the boys' in a welcoming stride. Of course, to complete the experience, there was a blissfully familiar sensation, one of warmth and tranquility elevated by not a dark, but rather cozy atmosphere finding a delicate balance between dusk and dawn. One could point at the restaurant's name and claim that creativity wasn't in focus, but the criticism would quickly find itself stifled upon entering the establishment. "Hey, guys!" Came an all too familiar voice, accompanied by an excited wave. "Gonna' eat winner food before winning the competition?" Connie, the waitress, laughed. She knew the brothers well, and had been working at her mother's restaurant for many years, now. The only individuals soldiering through life without the blessing of powers, on Venture's shores, were the company denizens. Paid by proxy of missions, Venture Academy was a business like any other. Heroes were hired, after all. The more dangerous the mission, the more expensive. Venture required income in some way, not to mention the money paid to the school when its heroes were likened in the creation of merchandise. Though students seldom considered the economical process of ever moving gears, their assignments were the foremost income of their most luxurious lifestyle. In other words, they surely deserved the comfort they had been afforded. [color=#2f7a9f]"Hey, Connie,"[/color] Neoh offered, letting Lemon scurry into the girl's embrace as she reached for the critter. It enjoyed the smell upon the waitress' clothes, for sure, the restaurant's scent lingering upon her fabrics. [color=#2f7a9f]"We were going to grab a mission after lunch."[/color] "Missions always come first," Connie offered in a mock tone, imitating a typical faculty member. "What kind of mission is it?" She lead the boys to a booth where they were sat. [color=#2f7a9f]"Guarding a corpse,"[/color] Neoh offered, returning Lemon to his lap. [color=#2f7a9f]"I think we will have time to sign up, after."[/color] "You have to uphold the family name!" Connie giggled, "and that should probably be Milly. He won't kill everyone on the enemy team." [color=#2f7a9f]"I'm not that bad,"[/color] Neoh continued, turning to his brother. The more offensive actor in their due did have a tendency of getting carried away. [color=#2f7a9f]"Mh, hold up,"[/color] Noeh stated, reaching into his pocket to produce a phone with the Venture logo branded onto the back. Akin to an iPhone, the device appeared to be of high quality, and offered a myriad of apps unique to Venture Academy. One of them was The Board. Tapping a section dubbed 'Saved Missions,' he scrolled down to the time stamp. [color=#2f7a9f]"Well, look at this plot convenience. The transport will take a few hours, we should be back in time for the sign-ups,"[/color] he finished, [color=#2f7a9f]"but I won't be held responsible for my actions."[/color] Neoh finished. It had been decided, then. The Nova Brothers would join the event.