[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190227/93320ea67b863c183c790b7e7120681b.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/WqoKaUb.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][sub][color=gray][color=white][b]Palm Beach, Florida[/b][/color] October 7th, 2018[/color][/sub][hr][/right] [indent]Jun’s homecoming experience was admittedly pretty tame, but part of that was due to the fact that he showed up late and decided to not start trouble. As tempting as it would be to make a mockery out of the whole function, Jun had the most fun stressing out Victoire leading up to the dance. Every single time she asked him a question about homecoming through a text message he responded in vague, cryptic gifs and images. Essentially, he memed her rather than giving her a straight answer. He wasn’t sure what was more entertaining: using his experience in drama class to make a hysterical scene in front of their classmates or giving her no straight answer through text after she postured her way to get his cellphone number so they could communicate without interacting with him directly. By the end of Homecoming, the only real interaction he did at Homecoming was occasionally make eye contact with Victoire and wave. The best part was how the prim and proper class president turned tail as soon as she saw him, wanting absolutely nothing to do with him. Jun was convinced she was either too pissed to deal with him – or too afraid of what he’d do to make a fool of her if she humored him. The asian-american teenager wasn’t sure which conclusion was funnier. The question amused him so much he decided to give Victoire one last text message before they mutually deleted each other and never talked to each other again. It didn’t take him long to pick a [url=https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/VvQuz7ktMBZKa5hFVraCNdSKHBE/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2014/10/17/926/n/1922283/584d60e7d6fbd06e_tumblr_m44atwfS1J1r6p48c/i/When-He-Points-Out-Obvious.gif]gif[/url] that struck the right chord with him. He just hoped it annoyed Victoire as much as it amused him. [color=9AC667]“Well, that was fun.”[/color] He said out loud as he walked down the stairs in his parent's two-story home in Crown Heights. Jun liked Sundays, and today in particular felt like a nice break after all of the stress of Homecoming. He had no particular plans for the day, no anxiety of studying last minute for some big test or event. If he wanted he could’ve decide to drive out to The Gardens, but he wasn’t too keen on the idea considering the distance from Crown Heights to Juno Ridge when he didn’t really want to buy anything from the upper class shopping center. Outside of giving Marisol, Kavan, or someone else a call to hang out he figured the only thing he could do was what he usually did. That being, do absolutely nothing and see what he could do on his guitar. Before he did that however he was going to drive out and grab something to eat for lunch.[/indent]