[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/yAFtaNK.png[/img][/center][center][color=662d91]Venture Academy - [color=a187be]School Grounds[/color][/color][/center][center][color=662d91]Interactions - [@Shard][/color][/center] He could only imagine what was going through Neoh's head after the announcement. Oh the fun the two boys would have. Milly knew his brother would enjoy the combat, whereas they both would enjoy the competitive nature of the game. It was true Milly disliked extreme violence and more importantly, killing, but it was something he had grown used to in terms of fighting alongside his brother. Milly found himself absent-mindedly staring at the flowers as they walked by, thinking about the announcement, but also thinking about the mission they had planned to go for soon. A kind greeting snapped Milly out of his daze. He looked up to an all too familiar face and smiled, [color=a187be]Hey there Connie."[/color] he said, giving a small wave at the young woman. [color=a187be]"I mean I'll try not to kill everyone. Some of these other supers can be quite a pain in the arse if they get bragging rights."[/color] he joked, snickering at Connie's comment. Once Neoh pulled out the phone, Milly looked at the information about it before sitting across from his brother in the booth. [color=a187be]"What's your special today Connie?"[/color] Milly asked before glancing down at the menu, [color=a187be]"Oh! What's the soup of the day?"[/color] he added. Venture Wok's soups were one of Milly's favorites.