[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190218/33a7f2613b45c8dfd1d9a83ee521b423.png[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/913eb6bb3c6f5ea500d5b72ccf5652be/tumblr_inline_pl3xttifeU1rfmocr_540.gif[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/edd1fe1b46ac3c91c172ce9304fe7c2d/tumblr_inline_pl3xtvbwqC1rfmocr_540.gif[/img] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/72f12b8dae2cc9424699d27e9e69510d/tumblr_inline_pl3xto7NE01rfmocr_540.gif[/img] [img]http://backgroundcheckall.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/line-divider-transparent-background-4.png[/img][/center] [indent][color=darkgray] [i][color=1e90ff]“If you want a quickie, can we just go to the locker room like the time we almost fucked?”[/color][/i] There was no question in anyone’s mind that Audrey Huntsberg did indeed love Alexandros Mossos with every fiber of her being. But it was in moments like this that she truly question whether getting arrested under assault charges was worth teaching a lesson to her clueless boyfriend. Was he [i]really[/i] stupid enough to not notice she was looking more like an extra for [i]The Walking Dead[/i] than anything else? That her grip on his shoulder was what kept her standing up straight, because her body was so weak it was threatening to give up at any moment? “I’m not playing around, Alexandros. We need to get the hell out of here [i]now[/i],” she said more forcefully, emphasizing just how serious she was by tightening her grip on his shoulder. This last tactic seemed to work, because after letting out a resigned sigh, Alex finally agreed, waved to his band of fuckboys and walked off with Audrey. The young woman linked their arms together along the way, holding onto her boyfriend for dear life as her body debilitating with every step. The valet seemed to take forever driving the Ferrari back to them, which did no favors to the girl’s weak state. As soon as her butt hit the luxe leather of the passenger seat, Audrey back the headrest and closed her eyes, praying that by focusing on keeping her breathing steady it would help her forget about how close she was to passing out. [i][color=1e90ff]“So, where are we going anyway?”[/color][/i] And it was this small, innocent little sentence that sent the young Latina to the edge. [color=deeppink]“What do you mean [i]‘where are we going’[/i]?! The fucking hospital, Alex!”[/color] Audrey shouted, suddenly fueled by the panic and frustration that had been swallowing her whole since seeing those two bold pink lines on the little windows of the pregnancy test less than ten minutes previously. [color=deeppink]“I’ve been feeling nauseous and throwing up every morning for the last six weeks, my tits feel like they’re constantly being run over by a semi, and I’ve been starving myself for a goddamned week trying to fit into this dress because no matter how much I barf, I’m still looking goddamn fat! So can you please stop asking stupid questions and drive me to the ER?! I feel like I’m about to pass out!”[/color][/color][/indent]