[center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/24daaba0-49cc-4fa8-b410-40385f60caff/dd0wfen-7ab41978-f75b-4728-b28f-c7eb3bcff2ae.png/v1/fill/w_400,h_397,strp/fsahoufzdlhfosudhfisdhfuc_by_saltyalien_dd0wfen-fullview.png[/img] [h1][color=teal][b]Astra[/b][/color][/h1][/center] The charcoal haired girl had been lounging outside with her handheld console in hand - her completionist nature grinding to get all the possible collectables in her Kirby game - when a rattling voice sounded across the Venture campus from the speakers, alerting people of an upcoming competition. This sparked interest in Astra: capture the flag? That was definitely just her kind of activity, she could just mess with people and win her team multiple flags. The announcement ended, but it had already brought Astra's attention back to this plane of existence from her game. Now the girl noticed how the time had passed by as she'd spent the whole morning gaming by herself. [i]Whoops[/i], Astra thought, saving and slipping the device into her pocket. The first class of the day had already ended. Good, Astra hadn't been planning on attending anyway. It wasn't mandatory for her anymore, and she just felt like completing her safe file to 100% before getting anything else done. It had bothered her for a while now. A low grumble alerted Astra to how hungry she actually was. [color=teal]"Is it already lunchtime?"[/color] the girl wondered out loud, her habit of chatting to herself bothering no one because there were very few people around. Astra made her way to the Venture Wok restaurant with little haste, thinking of a dish that would treat her hunger. As soon as Astra stepped into the mood-lit restaurant, she was overwhelmed with a plethora of mouth-watering scents. Instead of the usual greeting of Connie, however, there was no one to greet her in. Soon Astra found out why, and her face lit as a result. Connie was at a table occupied by two raven haired boys Astra was familiar with. There was a fourth person there too, Nathan. Astra smiled wide, her dimples deepening on her freckle adorned face. She sat down on a bench so she'd be in the right position when she used her ability. [color=teal]"Sup, Milly! Neoh, too. Bet you didn't see that comin',"[/color] Astra greeted right as she blinked into existence into an empty chair at the boys' table. Only then she had the brief afterthought of being polite. [color=teal]"Mind if I sit here?"[/color]