Willow wasn't too found of getting involved in the heavy brawling that was happening in the tavern. Well, to be more precise, she wanted to slice some throats, but that was a tad extreme to do to what was essentially drunkards. And when bakuto decided to breath fire in the alchohol filled enviorment, Willow decided this was a good time to bow out and flew out of the establishment, her disguise trailing behind her like a wisp as she got away from that mess. Soon after the whole place exploded, much to what she figured was going to happen. When the debree had settled and the place looked safe, Willow made her way back to the wreckage of the bar. Since most of the other patreons had left with her, the only ones left in the wreckage were her crew and a few of the hardier people. She was a bit surprised everyone lived through that, but then worse things could've happened with the dragon boy.