[quote=@ZAVAZggg] Fenris: *Nods and dispells Solstice* [color=silver]As I thought. Now, onto the reason I came to that world and brought you here in the first place.[/color] *Looks over at Vector* [color=silver]Even you. Now make sure to pay attention, because this is important. Existence is in danger. There's this scientist, Tamerlaine if I recall correctly, who wants to collapse all of reality into a singularity in order to halt the progress of entropy so she cam find a way to cheat death and achieve immortality. I decided that I didn't wish to be a mindless slave to that worm and went about gathering those I thought were strong enough to take her on. I had two other's selected, but quickly realised that they didn't have what it took. So I went after you and your servants, Ainz. I was the one who planted the artifact that brought you to that city in your world. You used it, then bumped into me and...well, you know the rest.[/color] [/quote] Lord Ainz will play no part in your petty games!