[center][h1] Blood Iron Princess [/h1][/center] That had gone far better than expected. Not only had she summoned the great genius Leonardo Da Vinci, but they wanted to support her in her goals. Honestly, it filled her with a great deal of excitement. She nodded to herself in clear relief. That Da Vinci agreed it was better to go out now and worry about the workshop later did surprise Serene a tad, but she also accepted that due to well, no grail war. Even as Da Vinci placed her hand on Serene's shoulder, Serene was fist pumping the air just a tad, at her decision being made. [color=lightcoral] "Let's go then! Perhaps we'll even get to meet a future ally, yes?" [/color] As cheerful as she was at the moment, there was the undercurrent of control. She had to keep herself reserved when in the outside world. And so without further ado, Serene walked away from Da Vinci, but knowing Caster would follow, as she made her way through the house, past the grand central staircase of the manor, and to the front door. She quickly unlocked it with her personal key, and stepped outside, into the open air. She took in a breath, then let it out. [color=lightcoral] "Onwards and upwards. To the corner store, right Caster?" [/color]