[h1]Rider[/h1] Rider glanced back over her shoulder at Naoko’s preparations, smirking slightly at her explanations to the guard. “Indeed! By day we operate the finest food truck in the greater Boston area, by night… and also sometimes day, but usually night… we are protectors of truth and justice! Crusaders for a brighter tomorrow!” She accompanied the declaration with some expert hand motions. Flashing a big grin and a thumbs-up at the guard, she certainly [i]appeared[/i] heroic, at least by her own estimation. As Naoko finished her preparations, Sophie gave a confident nod. “We will be back shortly!” As the door shut behind them, Catherine turned toward Naoko. “There’s something I’d like to do before we leave, Master. I fear there’s something I haven’t shared that I should have. I have a skill that I haven’t yet made use of yet. I had meant to keep you from dangerous situations, but after what happened earlier… Please forgive me for my hesitation.” The Servant put a hand on her Master’s shoulder, leaning toward her with a look of absolute seriousness. “The night ahead may be dangerous, but take courage. You have my favor, and an Empress’ favor is something to cherish!” Sophie leaned forward, quickly kissing her Master’s cheek, or rather, where her cheek would be in relation to the motorcycle helmet, before grinning widely. A warm, golden aura manifested around Naoko for a moment, shimmering in the night air. At the same time, an uncanny strength flowed into her form: the power to achieve that which was beyond one’s reach, the power to defy the restrictions of one’s station and birth. Strength, speed, perception, all were raised to inhuman levels in an instant. “As long as this link between us remains, I will grant you all the strength I can offer. I can only do so much here, so take care in the presence of Servants… but the other Masters will learn to fear you, I believe.” Sophie smiled, her own outfit manifesting into a dark blue military uniform with gilded appointments and embroidery. A black tricorn hat bearing a large feather appeared on her head. At her waist hung the same cavalry saber she had summoned earlier, now bound by a sword-knot of golden thread. A flintlock pistol was holstered on the opposite side, its ivory grip engraved with the scene of a cavalry charge. “From the sound of things, I don’t know if subtlety will be required.” Sophie let out a long whistle, and Brilliant flashed into existence before them, the tall white horse letting out an excited whinny. Rider glided into the saddle, holding out a hand toward Naoko with a confident grin. The gunfire in the distance still cut through the air… and it was seeming more and more like yet another Servant might have arrived.