Striding into the mess hall, Carvis waved a hand at the attendant as he sidled up to the counter. Making it brief, the Reptile Uplift cashed in one of his daily water rations. The Pilot then barely turned away as he raised the bottle, removed the cap, and dumped it into his mouth. The sudden gout of cold water gushing down his throat was rather refreshing. After dropping the bottle into the proper receptacle, Carvis left the room, heading back towards the Situation Rooms. However, he did make a detour, passing by a cluster of several of the ship's heat duct pipes. While most of the crew, and even the majority of the pilots, would have found it rather uncomfortable, this was just what Carvis needed to snap him into complete wakefulness. With his makeshift sunning out of the way, the Pilot finally entered Situation Room A. He found the Admiral, as well as two other Pilots- the Squad Leader, and the rigid one, in his direct line of sight. Upon entering the room, his posture seemed to completely change. Arms folded behind his back, his paces were closer to a staccato march than his usual swagger, still with a slight reptilian swing to it. "[color=71eeb8]Pilot Griinschale, present as requested, sir,[/color]" he uttered, falling in line with the others just as the clock in the room displayed 1856.