[hr][hr][centre][img]https://serving.photos.photobox.com/0576078084e9c0509bee5b71921ecc2bc9e476c54b27fa1ca05b563b3e616d8a205b5628.jpg[/img] [/centre][hr]Interactions:[@Ryteb Pymeroce][hr] Freya scoffed. Of [i]course[/i] the twerp was hiding behind a firstie. She wasn’t sure why he thought [i]that[/i] would help him. She bared a sit of pristine white teeth at his barb, [color=B2C8CC] “Don’t flatter yourself,” [/color] she said flatly, crushing the burning rage in favour of a more toned down (and terrifying) visage as she she stalked forward. She smirked as the tiny first year got out of the way. She raised a hand in a twisting, arcane looking gesture as, at the same time, she mentally reached inside herself, a feeling as natural by now as breathing, she reached for the nothing in everything, the silence between the words, the stillness between the motions. A cool smile as the temperature on the glyph dropped a few degrees. The hand motion was just for show of course, but it usually managed to get the less experienced students quaking in their boots. Zane was used to the trick by now, but still, never hurt to show off. She moved, leaning over and gripping his shoulder with her sharp, manicured black fingernails so that her lips were a hair’s breadth away from his ear, [color=B2C8CC]“I think we both know that I don’t have to force anyone to do [i]anything[/i] in that department,” [/color] unfortunately. Freya knew she was hot, and most of the time, operated on the motto of ‘if you’ve got it, flaunt it’. Unfortunately, a good percentage of the guys at BUM had failed to notice she was a raging lesbian. Apparently the ‘I like pussy’ comments hadn’t been enough. She stepped away, giving him a wink, before heading towards the dorms, [color=B2C8CC]“I hope you remembered a coat Zane, I heard this year’s gonna get [i]chilly[/i].” [/color] [hr][hr]