[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/fqGjyG5/Mila-Banner2.jpg[/img][/center] [color=bc8dbf]"Most impressive."[/color] Mila said, stating the obvious once again, as she got closer to the people that seemed to gather around Yui. Immediately after, the purple haired girl turned to the giant in red armour and lifted her head straight up at him. [color=bc8dbf]"Jian Tian-Gui, Striker of Team Afterglow. The importance of forming good relations with fellow soldiers is an important aspect of military life."[/color] After a short and awkward silence following this way-too-formal declaration; [color=bc8dbf]"I did not fail to notice the assistance you provided earlier, and hope I was of any help in the following engagement. Thank you."[/color] Her massive gun touched ground with a massive [i]thud[/i] as she respectfully bowed in thanks before finally walking off towards her team captain. [color=bc8dbf]"Allow me."[/color] she said, straight forward as ever, before picking up the unconscious Rin-Rin in Mavis' stead. Not that Mila doubted Mavis' physical prowess, but this was a logic thing to do seeing how the red head was Mila's direct higher up. Once Iron Saga was comfortably attached to the Cyborg's back, she followed the group back to the main transport.