M made a sound at the convening group. It sounded something like a grunt, a snort, or a short laugh. [color=lightgreen]"More of me to love."[/color] The power armor clad gaseous creature was already overriding the elevator to take them through the emergency lift. Go from the top to the bottom now, though with the six of them, it was going to be crowded. Ross having essentially got all hot and bothered by performing emergency surgery, touching things that ought not be touched in a nonsterile environment, and talking about enhancements on the beserker that was Skyldig she was ready to look for her next victim, seeing that Zephyr and Ryteb had crashed landed, and actually aimed for the top of the building. How nice of Ryteb not to go completely off on his own for a change. The little medic had that cut you open eyes a glow when she saw them. [color=aqua]"Have fun boys? Anything contusions, breaks, or lacerations I should know about."[/color] Her fingers already twitching in their insect like spidery ways. Ross' bot did its thing, already sending pulses waves through the core of the building, following along its support struts and over its walls. As soon as it touched down it was making a digital 3D map of the whole building, looking for areas that would be the server room. Malkan's device continued its jamming, and feeding every thing spoken on the buildings vox to funnel it right into the Molotov. [hr] On the ship, Fido was filtering out the information, clearing up the chaff and monitoring all the lines. [color=lightblue]"Getting awfully quiet back there!"[/color] The captain said, the controls being held and bobbed. No way she would risk autopilot this close to a building with potential anti air in the vicinity. [color=lightblue]"Speak Fido."[/color] [color=yellow]"Schematics computed. Uploading floor plan."[/color] All of the Marauder's computers chimed with a full readout of the building, a shared interface for everyone to navigate by. [center][img]https://ak0.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/23952280/thumb/1.jpg[/img][/center] [color=lightblue]"Ataboy. Head on down to floor 45. That's our best bet. And theres a secondary loading dock one level below."[/color] That was convenient. [hr] There was a spark and the elevator began to slowly descend. M shoulder his plasma cannon and swung an arm. [color=lightgreen]"Done. Come on."[/color] The elevator shaft meant for cargo and emergency workers descended, anyone late could simply drop down from above. The descent was slow going from five hundred feet up and as they descended, Fido kept feeding them the radio chatter. [color=gray]"Fall back to Level 46. We have a Cargo Freighter incoming two minutes! All personal, to Dock 46. Evacuate on that Freighter, on the double!"[/color] [color=yellow]"Captain, I'm reading no power on the server room, they must have backed everything up on the Hard Code."[/color] [color=lightgreen]"Which means its probably going to be on that next ship out of here. Shit."[/color] [color=gray]"We've got unauthorized use of the maintenance elevator!" "Barricade the access points!"[/color] Looks like they're going to be dealing with another welcome party, and this time they didn't have the element of surprise... or did they? [hider=Example of the Administrative Office Hallways the elevator will open up in] [img]http://www.traveller.com.au/content/dam/images/g/x/k/w/v/l/image.related.articleLeadwide.620x349.gxkuck.png/1502007404337.jpg[/img] [/hider]