[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HEWxu6H.png[/img][/center] [CENTER][h1][sup]P A L A C E O F B O N E S[/sup][/h1] [sup]{ m u l t i - p a r a } { f r e e f o r m } [color=green]{ o p e n }[/color][/sup][/center] [hr][hr] [color=red](!!)[/color] I'm horrible at formatting BBCode so this is probably as good as it's gonna get. Post is a WIP, but the core info is here and there's a few plots stuck on the end if you're interested. Hi. My name is Junior, and I've been involved in the RP community for some ten years now. I was once prevalent around various proboard forums, but those recently came to an unfortunate close. So, in all my dreadful glory, here I am! [hider=A few points:] [Indent][color=red]×[/color] I'm a heavy, frequent writer, who generally finds the time to reply once daily. My post length is dynamic and varies depending on the current IC situation; nevertheless, I will always give you more than enough to work from. Two to ten paragraphs is my general (and rather broad) margin. [color=red]×[/color] I have [u]almost[/u] zero limits when it comes to adult content, and always abide by my partner's limits as a result. Though with this being said, I'll never throw anything shady your way without prior consent if it hasn't already been discussed. [color=red]×[/color] I have no preference between playing male or female characters, but generally prefer MxF pairings where romance is involved. I'm female IRL, if that matters at all. [color=red]×[/color] I work long office hours and am able to check in periodically each day, so I'm reachable OOC during most of the daytime. (GMT) [color=red]×[/color] Please don't post here! PM me with any questions/interest. I like to keep my threads tidy. [/Indent] [/hider] [img]https://i.imgur.com/WKxp9eV.png[/img] [hr][hr] General settings, including fandoms: [hider=; ; ; ] Sci-Fi ;; x Neo-Tokyo x Intergalactic Travel (FTL?) x Apocalyptic Futurism x Giger's Alien x Resident Evil (Alt) Historical ;; x Viking Age (inclusion of mythology?) x Ancient Greece/Egypt x Ancient Rome x Medieval Europe (Eastern?) x WWI/II x The Cold War x Pirate Age x Wolfenstein-esque x Fallout (New Vegas/4/Original setting) Fantasy ;; x Middle Earth x Lordan/Lothric (DS1/3) x Goblin Slayer // Any DnD-typical adventure guild x Game of Thrones x God of War [/hider] aaand, a small selection of prompts. [sub]/ /[/sub] Letters of War [hider=; ; ] [sub][color=#898989]"If peace can only come through killing you, then I don't want it."[/color][/sub] A pair of forlorn souls, closely bonded since childhood, are conscripted into opposite sides of the war by right of their heritage. Disheartened and dreading the call of battle, the two write letters to each other in secret, desperately maintaining their friendship despite the knowledge that they will one day meet in no man's land. [sup](; ; open to several historical/fictional settings, including but not limited to WWI/II & The Cold War. Could also be applied to a fantasy setting.)[/sup] [/hider] [sub]/ /[/sub] Endless Winter. [hider=; ; ] [sub][color=#898989]"The storm follows in your wake."[/color][/sub] The world begins to freeze over in a flurry of growing ice and thunder storms, and a settlement believes it to be their punishment for stealing the jewels of the mountain long ago. In devout desperation, a small posse is chosen to embark on a pilgrimage to restore the idol that had been taken. But the road is winding and perilous, and even the mountain quakes in violent anticipation. [/hider] [sub]/ /[/sub] The New Order. [hider=; ; ] [sub][color=#898989]"They set the world on fire. It wasn't a war anymore; it was a remaking. Some losses are inevitable. Some... unthinkable. Now they've built a new world. Armies of steel and thunder. They're rewriting history."[/color][/sub] With an intense flip of historical events, almost the entirety of Eastern Europe as well as the Americas have fallen under Nazi occupation. With the war between nations mostly over, the new order now fights to keep its civilians under strict ruling. Amidst their strict zoning and routines, a suspected spy is picked up at a state checkpoint. They claim to hail as a Warsaw refugee, but their documents bear dubious sources, and a whole world of pain awaits them in questioning. [sup]( ; ; very blatantly inspired by Wolfenstein's setting.)[/sup] [/hider] [sub]/ /[/sub] Blood Money. [hider=; ; ] A ranging group or individual dispatches a notorious posse of bounty hunters, only to find that their most recent trapping is a rather unconventional runaway. Though the prisoner is grateful for their intervening and expects to be turned loose, they find themselves stuck once more as their apparent saviour is enticed by the reward money themselves. An initially tense journey eventually defuses into general co-operation and the unveiling of backstories, all whilst entertaining offers from travelling slavers and the like. [/hider]