Plot: In addition to the two worlds used for the Survival Game, there are many more countless worlds that also experienced the Survival Game. In relation to the other worlds, the God of Time and Space, Deus Ex Machina, has 90 days before his eventual death, and thus begins the Survival Game to decide his successor of his power and title. How this world is different from the two other worlds? The 12 expected participants simply do not exist in this world, and thus, 12 new Diary Holders will be chosen to fight to the death. 90 days to leave one Diary Holder left standing to become God. There will be alliances, betrayals, bystanders killed in the crossfire, and the struggle to survive. Just who will be the last one standing? Useful Information: -[i]Future Diary:[/i] The primary item used in the Survival Game, and there will be one for each participant of the Survival Game. Even if the way it functions is unique to each user (ex: predicts future deaths, predicts future loves, etc.), the Future Diaries are to predict the Future regardless. If the user's death is to come, it comes with a Dead End flag on their Future Diary, and only way to avoid the Dead End is to alter the future that is displayed on the Future Diary. -[i]Deus Ex Machina:[/i] The God of Time and Space, and the gamemaster of the Survival Game. He does not interfere with the game at all, and would choose his "favorite" to win. (NPC) -[i]MurMur[/i]: An assistant for Deus Ex Machina, she is very childish and playfully innocent. She would usually pass out the participants their Future Diaries in order for the Survival Game to begin. (NPC) If you want to, you can reserve your title before the roleplay thread is posted! 1st: 2nd: 3rd: [i]reserved for Syblyx[/i] 4th: 5th: [i]reserved for Gummi Bunnies[/i] 6th: 7th: 8th: 9th: 10th: 11th: 12th: [I]reserved for DAWNSTAR[/i]