It was once again summer in the Arendelle where the people in the town square were getting ready for the summer festival. People from all around the other kingdom were sailing to Arendelle to take part in this celebration of the season. However there were two people in general that were heading to this kingdom with some important news. Those people were Duke Evan and Prince Vaan of the kingdom of Maldelle......well there was no more Maldelle. It was in ruins thanks to King Juno of the kingdom of Terra. You know both kingdoms were once allies, but all that changed when Juno became king. Vaan and Evan were going to Arendelle to make sure that didn't happen again. Both men were below the dock, with Evan reading a book while Vaan was sleeping, clearly out of boredom of course. He hated long trips especially when it came to sailing. Evan quickly closed his book when he heard one of the skippers announce that they were be arriving on land in five minutes. Evan got up from his seat and walked over to where Vaan was sleeping. "Vaan........Vaan wake up kid." Evan said to him. As he figured he got no response from the young prince so Evan did what he usually did to wake him up. He took his book and smacked him on top of the head. "OW!" Vaan yelled jumping up in surprise. "must you still do that Evan?" He asked sounding annoyed. "I told to wake me when we get to Arendelle." "Well why do you think I smacked you upside that thick head of yours? Works every time though." Evan replied with chuckling a little bit. "We'll be arriving in five minutes so lets get ready." He then said. Vaan wasted no time and getting up from his bed and grabbing his things. It wasn't much, a sackful of clothes, his gold, and a gold locket that his parents gave him when he was ten. For right now, they were just tourist coming to visit the kingdom of Arendelle. No one knew that he was a prince. He was to keep that a low profile mainly until he met with the Queen. They never knew if any of Juno's informants were here as well. "Well, this is a very lively place." Vaan muttered as they got off the ship and headed towards the town square. "Hmm......seems they have some sort of festival going on. Hey, it's just like the old days back home right Vann?" Evan asked. Vaan responded with just a light smile as they headed deeper into the town square mostly heading to an inn.