[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/f1yDKV2.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/1vCdEvz.png[/img][/center] [right][hr][color=gray][color=white][b]Hyuga Compound, headed to the Shinobi Academy, Konohagakure[/b][/color] Present Day, Daybreak [@Raijinslayer][/color][hr][/right] [indent] In the case of most aspiring shinobi, the day of graduation is one of the greatest moments of their lives. The first step in their dreams of becoming true ninja, no longer stuck within a stuffy classroom and forced to study day after day, and fully on their way into their future profession. It should’ve been the same for Hyuga Hikari, as she awakened from her slumber early in the morning, preparing herself for the day to come as she executed the motions of her daily routine. But to her, it was merely another day, which just so happened to involve her graduation from the Academy. Any other possibility did not exist. To have failed to graduate, to be a step behind her peers, was never an option. She would have rather died on the spot rather than sully the reputation of her clan with such a display of incompetence. Yet, by the time she had gotten her personal affairs in order, the sun had merely begun to peek over the horizon. So, she utilized the excess time in a productive manner. The wooden training dummies in one of the compound’s many training rooms were implements she was well acquainted with, and her quick, precise movements with minimum overextension belied the power behind each of her finger pokes and palm strikes, faint puffs of chakra exploding outwards with each hit as imaginary tenketsu points are closed within her mental picture of a person’s chakra system. It wasn’t a perfect recreation, she hadn’t quite memorized the position of the human body’s inner systems to have a one-to-one visualization, but it serviced her well enough as the satisfying sound of cracking wood reaches her ears. Pulling her palm away from the dent she had created in her current target, she released a calming sigh as she went through the procedure of replacing the dummy. Main branch members relied on the lower branch to resupply their tools whenever anything was below a workable standard, leaving many a training ground trashed for others to clean up. But as a lower branch member herself, Hikari was expected to replace anything she broke with due haste, in case any main branch members wished to utilize the training room at any point in time. With how frequently of an occurrence it was for her, the formerly disgruntling act did not bother her as much, noticing that enough time had passed since she began training that the Academy would opening its doors within the next hour or so. Refreshing herself with a lukewarm bath and a formal kimono for the upcoming event, a thirteen-piece ensemble of white and grey that befits a member of her clan, Hikari bowed towards her parents as she sliped on her outdoor footwear at the entrance of her home. [color=7B90D1]“Have a good day, mother, father. I will return as soon as the graduation ceremony has finished.”[/color] “I will be here to greet you then, daughter.” Her formal greeting towards her parents is responded to just as politely as her mother returned the bow with her own, her father only grunting to recognize his daughter’s declaration. While she did not have a close emotional tie to her immediate family, they had taken care of her throughout her life, and so she found it proper to inform them of her coming and going as to not cause them any undue worry over whether or not she was disgracing the clan with her actions. Her surface level duties as a child met, Hikari left the building without delay, the branch members guarding the Hyuga Clan district gates recieving a polite nod as she headed towards the Academy. The streets were relatively empty, with only business owners, early risers, and other students of the Academy visible during this time of day. With her Byakugan active, she was capable of correcting her course to intentionally avoid the latter groups, unwilling to interact with her peers before reaching the Academy. A glimpse of Yakushi Tsume causes her to pause, but she continued onwards, convincing herself that she could speak with one of her few acquaintances in length at the Academy. The same could not be said when a less than desirable person had coincidentally crossed with her path. She wasn’t quite sure what it was that drew her to meet with them, whether it was the novelty of the act, a fleeting whim, or the sharp, curdling feeling one experiences when catching sight of something that they detested, yet the Hyuuga branch member found her feet leading herself to stand before the redhead at the Academy. [color=7B90D1]“Ah, so you’ve arrived. The fact that you possess the ability to pull yourself out of bed and ignore your crippling fear of the opposite sex each day you’re at the Academy is quite the achievement. I suppose congratulations are in order for suppressing at least one of your multiple flaws for the sake of bettering yourself, Uzumaki-san.”[/color] [/indent]