[center] [hr] [b]Sarutobi Compound, Konohagakure[/b] Present Day, Sunrise [sub]Interacting with: N/A[/sub] [hr] [/center] The sun light slowly crawled its way across the village hidden in the leaves to awake the villagers. As the sun shined across the Sarutobi Compound, it slowly rose upon the body of a young Sarutobi standing in the middle of the training ground. A young boy wearing only jogging pants and hand wraps that were stained with blood. Sweat rolled down his muscles before dripping to the earth below, staining it with his hard-work. Broken training dummies gave way to the actions that transpired that night. The young boy had been forcing his body to go beyond his limits all night, punching, kicking, and smashing the dummies. Indents in the ground gave way to his training on movement, constantly perfecting his agility as ninjas needed to be as agile as possible. His body was literally a shape in the soft dirt from all the various exercises that he had performed. A standard routine for Atsumi that he almost never missed, his body the perfect display of his love. For a kid his age, his body was ripped with muscle. "I know you are there." The boy spoke out loud as he wiped the sweat from his brow with a towel around his neck. "Atsumi, why aren't you sleep?" A female voice spoke softly yet it was still a commanding tone. Atsumi's eyes met with the woman who had made herself known. This would be the woman that Atsumi called his mother. "Mother, I..." Before the Sarutobi child could finish his sentence, his mother had rushed forward to embrace him like any mother would. She loved to see the hard work that he put in his training but also worried that he was overworking himself to the bone. Atsumi could feel the warmth from his mother and it could only ever comfort him. She pulled away just a bit to look at her darling boy. "Now Atsumi, you can't work yourself too hard. I know where you train so hard." His mother's words were soft, "You and your brother are my perfect----" "Don't compare me to him." Atsumi pushed away from his mother, staring at her as if he was staring directly into her soul. His smile transformed into a grimace. "I'm nothing like him." Atsumi made how he felt known as he started a walking toward the inside of the compound. Hours seem to pass as Atsumi had finally made it to the Academy. His red armor glistened in the sunlight and his eyes darted back and forth as to look for a certain female. Today was graduation day for the young shinobi and he wanted to be around Ria.