Looks like a solid foundation to start with. I'm sure that things will be explored in further detail throughout the roleplay! One question, you mention nine "figures" in your tomato, but there are not nine people interested in the roleplay - furthermore, you said you only wanted 8 players max. Is there somebody else joining that hasn't expressed interest in the thread? Does this mean we're not starting until you fill every slot? As for concerns, just one. You mention explicitly that it's an un-profitable venture, and that this mysterious GMPC kobold is some stranger who is interrupting our business. Now, as anti-heroes with our own reasons for being in town, I have to wonder why our characters would let themselves be caught up in something like this. There generally has to be a strict motive for a party of anti-heroes to start working together, usually something that benefits all of their common goals without strictly empowering any one party member. Could you give some more insight into that part of the introduction, if it isn't a spoiler? You don't need to use fake indents, by the way. [code][indent][/indent][/code] is a formatting option that exists.