[h1]Sugano Chinami[/h1] [@Skyswimsky] The streets were… very grey. The sky was also grey. In fact, the entire day was more or less drenched in a consistent veil of dreary grey. Nevertheless, Chinami was not one to be deterred. She had become a Magical Girl, and Magical Girls were meant to hunt Vices! To tell the truth, she was kind of quietly excited to see a Vice for the first time. Sure, they were amalgamations of evil and suffering, but they had to be interest things to study, and she was sure she could work some studying in mid-fight… or rather, she would, if there were any Vices to be found. The Keeper had assured her that this would be the place to look. It made sense, after all, this was the bad part of town, the type of place her grandparents had warned her many times about wandering into. At the time, those warnings had been mostly pointless. She basically spent all of her free time at the beach or the aquarium, wandering the mean streets wasn’t exactly a favorite pastime. But such places were where Vices showed up, or at least that’s what the Keeper had said, places full of hurt and negativity. Those feelings were certainly in no short supply here. Dread permeated the air, and the weight of it made Chinami nervous… or it had for the first two hours. Now she was more concerned at the prospect that this whole search had been pointless. [color=bc8dbf]“Mister Keeper, are you sure I’m in the right spot? Is there maybe something I should look for, or-” [/color] The sound of a very enthusiastic voice echoed out from a nearby alleyway. Chinami was shocked for a moment, but dashed forward, carefully peeking around the corner of a worn and graffiti-laden building. As she stuck her head into the alley, she saw an energetic girl with bright white hair and… some sort of wriggly shadow person? [color=bc8dbf]“Oh… there it is.”[/color] Chinami pulled her head back around the corner, taking a deep breath before gently tapping the koi-shaped charm on her bracelet. The tiny rose gold ornament rang out with a smooth, clear chime, and a swirl of glimmering bubbles swirled around her. In the next moment, her school uniform was replaced by a poofy gown of soft burgundy satin. Her hair had grown several inches in the span of about two seconds, and swirled around her head like black ribbons, seemingly free of the bounds of gravity. She lept out from around the corner, daintily floating to the ground a few feet behind her white-haired compatriot. [color=bc8dbf]“Don’t worry. Magical Girl Su… uh, Chinam… Magical… Girl… Fishbones? Is um, here to help!”[/color] Chinami gave a very unconfident thumbs-up to the other Magical Girl, feeling more than a little disappointed in her introduction. She raised a hand, waving her fingers through the air in a delicate, deliberate motion as they began to glow. [color=bc8dbf] “[i]Protosphyraena![/i]”[/color] Two large, skeletal fish appeared in poofs of shimmering bubbles, one on either side of Chinami. They were each almost three meters in length, with long bills protruding from their skulls. They looked something like swordfish, swimming gracefully through the air. [color=bc8dbf] “G-get em, guys!”[/color] Bones rattled as the twin fishes jetted forward, crisscrossing one another before meeting in a point at the Vice, seeking to administer justice in the form of a two-pronged fishy impalement.