Royal Courts of Elyr, Cabinet Meeting Room, Province of Yespium, City of Pyrewood. [Img][/img] Gathered around a large wooden table was a small group of people engaged in discussion; the Queen, fiery Orlette, and half a dozen ministers dressed in posh suits; laid in front of each was differing amounts of paperwork. Eyes from all around the table were focused on the Queen as she spoke. "Acrad has formally announced it's discovery of a relationship between the group calling themselves 'Desert Rats', most known for their skirmishes and raids along the Acradian-Hasturian border, and the Warlords that occupy the northern regions. They believe, beyond all reasonable doubts that these Warlords are funding the campaign of the 'Rats' in exchange for shares of the stolen goods, and even the potential for these goods to be unknowingly exported and consumed upon the foreign market. It is has been proposed by the Parliament of the People that temporary trading sanctions be levied against the nation of Hastur until such a time that these allegations can be either proven or disproven; but until such a time that this can be ascertained a ban on all goods imported both directly and indirectly from Hastur be enforced. Those who have an arguement against, please state that now" she finished, returning to her seat and glancing around the room, filled by a majority of portly, balding officials who looked as if they'd never done a proper job in their lives. "The imports from Hastur help support those on lower incomes" chimed in Hagen, Minister for International Trade, followed by several affirmative nods from others. "And we are barely keeping our heads above water with the current supplies, if they were to stop... I can only imagine the public outcry" continued the Home Secretary, about to further his point when he was interrupted by Orlette, scowling hard. "And how do you think the people will react if these allegations are true? Will they be all cordial and hugs if these allegations are true" spat Orlette. A subtle glare from the Queen quietened her down as the Secretary, still rather stunned by her impertinent remark, splattering out in response: "Uh, no. But it is more a matter of whether they're going to starve to death, or do a deal with the devil to see today through. If I may ask, which exactly would you choose, Miss?" "The right thing" she replied coldly. Ignoring the girls comment, the ministers continued their discussion for a few more minutes, decising to holding out on an official decision until more was known about the international affair at hand. Adjourning until such a requirement had been met, each packed up their stuff and departed. Royal Court of Elyr, Private Quarters, City of Pyrewood The room was dark, kept alight by a dim wall lamp above a wooden desk laden with paper and a small number of candles covering the surfaces. In the corner stood a small gramophone on a sidetable, and to the right of that a bookcase overflowing with books of all different hues. Reds and oranges as the sun set peaked through the large window which dominated one of the walls, giving everything inside a soft warm glow. With her back to the room sat Orlette at her desk, hiding her face from the Queen who was patiently sat behind her, listening to the girl. "They did nothing?" Exclaimed the fiery girl, anger seeming to seep from every pore of her body. "They had every piece of evidence before them, and they do nothing?" She asked again, face flush, disapproval lining her face. She raised her head slightly at the woman sat in the chair opposite, "am I wrong in feeling like this?" The woman sighed, her expression saying that this was, by far, not the first time a situation like this has arisen . "No, Orlette, they didn't do anything" the Queen calmly affirmed. "There was nothing to do. Elyr is reliant on Hastur currently for much of it's import of food. We stop trading with them over a suspected, and officially that's all it is, act of aggression, more people will starve than are currently. This isn't just about how we feel, you need to consider how it will effect those around us too" she reminded the younger girl. "Here, cheer up" Orlette glanced up and saw the lady kindly holding out a cup for Orlette to take, she hadn't even noticed the woman make it. "Drink" she gently urged "it'll help you relax". Orlette took a tentative look at the cup "tea?" She asked, unsure to what the liquid actually was. "Tea" Bree nodded, taking a few steps towards the door. "Tea is what I used to help me get over stuff like this, still do in fact" she added, a smile directed towards her húsceorl go help reassure her. "And sleep. You've been awake for hours, first collecting reports on this, then collating them, and finally presenting them to the parliament." The girl opened her mouth to argue, but a strong glare from the Queen closed it again. "Seriously. Rest up, I agree with you. I'll see if there is anything I can do, ok?" The girl nodded as the woman quietly left the room. She moved over to her desk, moved a small mountain of paperwork to find something specific and began reading through it slowly. Back in her own room, the Queen pulled out a small ledger from a tables draw and blew a thin layer of dust which had come to settle atop. Sitting down and making herself comfortable she gradually began flicking through and drawing a finger down each page until it came to a rest. The name of contact of hers from Coral City: Ambassador Laquarian. Knowing him eager to establish trade relations between Elyr and Southern Verdasou, he seemed like the best person to contact. Sitting down with a piece of paper, she began to pen out a piece to be delivered in the morning. [hider=Letter to Ambassador Laquarian] Dear Ambassador Laquarian, I hope this finds you well. In light of recent events farther north, Elyr may be in need of a reliable import of supplies such as food should things turn sour northward. Do you know of anyone in the Coral City that may be able to meet our needs should the time arise, or if not there than farther afield? If you could find out what you can, and get back to me soon it would be greatly appreciated. Her Majesty, Lady Bree the Second of Elyr. [/hider]