Zane sighed at Freya's childish need for dramatics. Honestly, it was like she [i]wanted[/i] him to prank her. Being used to her effect on fellow students, he pulled out a spray bottle and splashed the more comotose firsties in the face to wake them up. Fleeing from the angered students, he made his way to the dorms... until he remembered Freya had headed in that direction. Yeah, not a good idea right now. Boosting his leg stength and his overall agility, he proceeded to parkour his way towards the garden. He noted Nicky boy and the residant artist talking to thin air. Focusing a bit more he noticed there was actually another person there. Gods above that girl had such little presence. An evil smirk came across his face as he silently moved through the trees. Finally reaching behind the invisible girl, he dropped down, hanging by his legs. "[Color=green]Hey kids, you wanna see a dead body?[/color]" Zane yelled, an evil grin plastered across his face.