[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=F0DAE2]Myth the Muse[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/pE5rMGbOgvedq/giphy.gif[/img][hr][color=F0DAE2][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Wizard's Tower - Great Hall [/center][hr] Despite the circumstance, Myth smiled. [color=F0DAE2]"You seem to think I was asking permission. One thing you are going to have to learn if you marry me is that I am a force to be reckoned with. Happy wife, happy life buddy. Defeating or merely stopping, it doesn't matter, I am not sitting idly by and letting my new family fight while I pretend to be happy. I don't even mind you taking charge or telling me what to do, but I am damn sure going to help."[/color] Now, the twins. She was fine with having them stand to the side during this, though perhaps their speed would be useful. But they weren't feeling good before and she didn't imagine that got better. The others in the room though. They were powerful beings surely. [color=E97E99]"My my, and to think I thought this wedding would be boring."[/color] One of the guests spoke up and Myth turned to face her. [color=E97E99]"Ah forgive me, you two were having a moment. I just find it interesting that you have a room full of powerful forces and don't think to ask them for assistance in this matter. I mean, I don't like lifting a finger to help either, but this is seriously upsetting me. I wanted a day off."[/color] [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=9F6D88]Fleur La Mallificum[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://em.wattpad.com/bea15c7fd98a3d7bc7198e0379582a72c05df906/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f614c33776b37504a6b7270386d413d3d2d3239373939343234322e313436613939646535643435613331323636353032353534383239342e676966?s=fit&w=720&h=720[/img][hr][color=9F6D88][b]Location:[/b][/color] Witch's Road [/center][hr] Fleur dodged the attack, only for it to hit Wanda instead. It seemed this was no mere vision. It was something incarnate and Fleur reckoned it had something to do with her own time. Or all times, maybe. [color=9F6D88]"Hadn't figured I'd see you again. Time was not kind to you."[/color] Fleur stepped forward, ready and willing to duel it out with her former. [color=9F6D88]"You wound me figuratively, but I know true power. I have done more than you ever set out to do before and if you think you will chide me into acting reckless, you obviously paid no attention to me."[/color] Fleur moved her hand in an arc motion, and a number of ghosts appeared before her. Some looked like they were from various times. A blonde haired girl who looked like she was too good and pure to do any fighting. A girl with dark hair who had a look like pure ice. A blonde woman who wielded throwing knives. And that was just three out of the many. [color=9F6D88]"See, being a Witch Messiah means I have followers. And followers do my bidding. So, attack!"[/color] The ghosts hesitated at first, but then they swarmed forward, clutching onto Jadis. Their hold was not as strong, but it did the job. Next, Fluer made a throwing motion and summoned dark, pointed daggers directly at Jadis, striking true. [color=9F6D88]"What say you now?"[/color]