[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=wheat]Conrad Wu[/color][/h1] [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/1d1fff3b86efa13c2580a00f8e422a4c/tumblr_inline_phuf61MghN1u4ug4m_250.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [b][color=wheat]Location:[/color][/b] The Playground [hr] [color=wheat]”Pleasure to meet you, Agent Abercrombie”[/color] Conrad took the blonde woman’s hand and shook it firmly. Field Leader? That was a turn up for the books. She seemed very young for that role but he was one to rarely question the decisions of his higher ups unless absolutely necessary so she must be damn skilled to get to where she was that’s for sure. This was an elite unit, the best of the best no doubt. He was looking forward to meeting everyone else and seeing what they brought to the table. After giving Tinley the once over, Conrad had many questions but he knew one thing for sure, he still hates the S.H.I.E.L.D uniform. Even on some as beautiful as she was, it was still garish and not up to his high fashion standards. [color=wheat]”Only question is do I really have to wear that uniform?”[/color] a rhetorical and humorous question of course yet one that he wished would be answered with a resounding no. Wu began to follow his fellow Agent deeper into the Playground; it was a marvel. He had been in some very big tech places over the past few years and in some very low tech ones as well but the Playground was something special. [color=wheat]”It strikes me that you probably run a very tight ship here. I’m not here to rock the boat, just to help out and do my part. What do I need to know?”[/color][/center]