She laughed a little as he commented on the fact that people would hardly think her life was boring. “But that is the difference between perception and reality. Everyone sees exotic trips or fancy balls, but no one sees behind that, the endless pitches over why I should invest in one company or another or why I should donate to this charity or that one. It is hardly as glamorous s it seems. My family was very fortunate and my father worked very hard to get where he was. It is up to me to see that we continue on the forward path he put us on.” She said. “I have very little interest in continuing to spend much time in the public eye. It serves little purpose other than to distract me from the things I could be doing.” She said as she sat back a little allowing her food to be placed. “I have no food allergies, and will try everything at least once.” She said. “I enjoy trying all sorts of new things. The giant cockroaches at the market were an interesting experience.” She said with a laugh. “Enough about me. Tell me more about you.” She said genuinely interested.