"I never interacted closely with Ordinators," Rossarm said. "Their duty was always to the temple. I have no recollection of that name." [hr] "Oh, Julan," Janius said sympathetically as he took Julan's shoulders and drew him into a hug. He held him for a moment without a response. There was no easy excuse Janius could give without outright lying. He looked up at the sky for any words that could help. "Julan..." He huffed out a breath, hesitating. Finally, he pulled back to hold Julan by the shoulders again and looked him straight in the eyes, no smiles or comforts. "Listen to me and listen well. If we don't come back, you and Rhazii have to take care of each other, okay? Kaleeth and I aren't the only ones who are strong. Can you promise me that?"