Felix took a surprisingly long glide-path down, taking full advantage of the humid thermal currents coming up from the lush underbrush. She'd made sure they left her comms on, in case anything like a brawl between the giant and the spider broke-out. Instead it was a more pleasant discussion on hedge-trimming to make room for their utterly massive mechs. "But what if the trees [i]are[/i] the sapient locals? You may want to check before you start cutting. Wouldn't want you two to accidentally declare war upon the entire forest." They were in fact, only trees. But it was nice to keep them on their toes as she scanned for any working locator-beacons from the stranded mechs. If they were smart, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dC--IYLUmhI]they would have powered-down everything but the beacon ASAP[/url]. She just hoped none of them found themselves in such a fix that they needed to re-power their mechas on nothing but their emergency-batteries. She saw the second wave led by Eileen had already disembarked, Eileen herself taking to the air while Roxanne was performing a radio-blind search-pattern for any mechs that had completely ran out of power... that or a body-search. A third unschedualed pod had crashed to the ground, and she quickly heard... a rather miffed occupant telling-off Doc Chamberain... followed by... one very giddy stowaway. She sure hoped she didn't [i]really[/i] sound like that to Cahreli. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw one extra faint signal to her east. She couldn't be sure of distance; if the batteries had degraded she could be right on top of her and not realize it. "Got a signal to our east, will glide as close to source as possible and then work on clearing a path back to you, while you clear a path to me, we'll continue the search from there." As she descended to the treeline, she deployed the chainsaws from her power-armor's stub-wings... This entire time she wasn't so much truly gliding as falling with style and with a very good landing-strategy in-mind as she tore a wide swath through the canopy felling any trees that happened to get in the way... Even Jenny would have no problem squeezing through such a path... so long as she didn't need to turn-around.