[hider=Leo Peyton] [CENTER][hider=Appearance][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/159655e5-0c15-4841-acc0-d4f8654a65de/dcb2j6u-bcaf4c0f-e7be-4888-b702-ddb0f5bd38a9.png/v1/fill/w_772,h_1035,q_70,strp/commission___zane_by_mizaeltengu_dcb2j6u-pre.jpg[/img] Minus the facial marks and sword.[/hider] [/CENTER] [b]Name:[/b] Leo Peyton, Leo "Ship Wrecker" Peyton [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Height & Weight:[/b] 6’3” 210lbs [b]Personality:[/b] Leo is a pirate born and raised and his personality reflects this. Most of the time he is more than happy to walk around with a broad grin on his face and food or drink in hand. He loves every aspect of the pirate lifestyle, the freedom, the booze, shore leave, women, and fighting. Especially fighting. The start of a battle, whether a drunken brawl or intense naval combat with other pirates/marines, causes his grin to grow even larger. He knows all too well that any fight could be his last, but he isn’t willing or able to let that deter him from having a good time. Life is too short to not enjoy it and a pirate’s life is even shorter. This mentality leads him into doing things he enjoys in excessive amounts. This lead to some trouble when he was younger as he would be far too drunk to fight with any semblance of skill. With age this has tempered due to a high tolerance to alcohol. [b]Bounty:[/b] B20,000,000 Leo had already started building a bounty during his time spent with his previous crew but it didn’t grow to its current size until the past year. His crew had gotten into a battle with a small fleet of Marine ships and during the battle he managed to sink two of the vessels with his chains by punching holes into their hulls. [b]Origin Story:[/b] Leo’s entire existence has been surrounded by the pirate lifestyle as every member of his family, that he knows of, have been pirates for years. His father was the captain of his own ship, which is where Leo spent a majority of his childhood along with his three older brothers. It was tradition for his family to serve under a relative, typically a father, until they were ready to go out on their own. This was the case for his brothers, his brother Cedric however requested that Leo come with him rather than formally join their father’s crew. While confused about this Leo didn’t raise any fuss over the choice as he and Cedric were closer than he was with his other brothers. So for the next few years he sailed with the Sawblade Pirates, named as such due to Cedric’s epithet of “The Sawblade” since he fought with a serrated sword. They primarily relied on hit and run tactics when engaging in naval combat, disabling their opponents ships before boarding them. While none of the Sawblade Pirates were against killing they tried to avoid it whenever possible. Up until a couple of months ago they had been successful in avoiding the few Marine ships they occasionally ran into. This all changed when they ended up being ambushed by a group of Marines consisting of six ships. With the help of Leo managing to sink two of the ships with his chains and favorable winds they managed to stay ahead of the remaining Marines for a while. Luck did not stay with them however as the winds began to shift. Knowing they would be overrun sooner rather than later Cedric ordered Leo to escape via a small raft. Despite his protests Cedric wouldn’t budge and Leo knew better than to disobey an order from his Captain. So he escaped, and watched in the distance as his brother’s ship was boarded. That was the last time he saw his brother and as far as Leo knows Cedric did not survive the encounter. About a month ago he ran into Sunny, who he had actually met previously while sailing with the Sawblade Pirates. It was brief, but upon hearing that he was forming a crew Leo leapt at the chance. He rather have one familiar face that be surrounded by strangers. [b]Abilities:[/b] [list] [*][url=https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Jara_Jara_no_Mi]Jara Jara No Mi[/url]: Haven eaten the Jara Jara no Mi fruit, Leo is capable of producing chains from his body that are his main method of attacking. At present he can only control a few at a time and he is only able to change the ends into heavy weights to increase the blunt force of his strikes. He also is not yet able to change the material of the chain. Normally he wraps his fists in the chains to increase his striking power, but when needed he uses them like whips. [*] Enhanced Strength: Leo possesses strength greater than the average human which allows him to swing his chains with more force and add additional power behind his strikes. [*] Enhanced Endurance: Along with being stronger than the average guy, Leo is also able to sustain more damage before dropping. This served him very well in his younger years when he got in more than his fair share of brawls and it continues to benefit him as a pirate. [*] Muay Thai Proficiency: Since a young age Leo has been trained in the art of Muay Thai, though he is far from mastering it. With the ability to create chains from his body he is now able to help prevent some of the injuries this style leads to, protecting his hands and shins while increase his damage. He cannot cover his knees or elbows however as it would restrict the movement needed.[/list] [b]Inventory:[/b] The clothes on his back along with a few spares. The chains he wears around his waist and neck. While these were created with his ability they are not used for combat, just accessories.[/hider]