[img]https://m.wsj.net/video/20150729/072915mansionboathouse/072915mansionboathouse_960x540.jpg[/img] On the far bank of the lake sit five large guest houses, all sharing a central boat house jutting out over the water. Each is identical, two storeys tall with a finished basement and a panoramic sitting room making up the third story. The main living area features a two-storey vaulted ceiling with a floor-to-ceiling window facing the lake, and the second story loft open to the area below. A diagonal portion in the south houses the kitchen and behind the living room are five bedrooms. To the north of the living area is a spiral staircase leading up the turret into the third storey, which houses a sitting room with glass walls overlooking the mountainside to the east and the lake to the west. Upstairs are