[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=f7976a]Deeper Than The Sands[/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][b][color=f7976a]Date:[/color][/b] October 6th, 1924[hr][hr][/center] [b][i][color=f7976a]Overnight Notes:[/color][/i][/b] Once everyone was bedded down the active day turned into an inactive night. At least as far as the PC's go. Everyone is able to get some sleep, on level to what your character normally would. Oddly enough, there are no dreams or nightmares for the ones that had gotten them in the past and that brought them initially together. Maybe it is the fact you aren't technically anywhere but on the water, maybe since you are together now for the most part it has canceled out, maybe enough already died to stop the connection, maybe the Sandman just took the night off. Either way those that had nightmares and dreams didn't this night. Morning comes early in Egypt in October - The sun rises are 5:51 A.M. (I love google.) Now, for those on the Elite and the Secondary decks, this is important as the sun will shine through the larger windows and such of your rooms. So yeah, chances are it will wake you up even if you don't want to be. Now those on the lower decks, that sun isn't going to be a problem, do your characters will wake up most likely due to the noise instead of the sun. Upstairs quieter but lighter. Downstairs, no light issues but people moving about to get things ready for the upper floors of the boat - yeah. Like someone mowing their lawn at the crack of dawn. Now that generalizations are up, on with the show. Haring: Clothing is dry - yay! (It did look fabulous on him lol) Keystone: There is a note slipped under his door. [i]Please, do join me for breakfast at 8 A.M. on the Sun Deck. Bring your companions if you wish. Sincerely, The Captain.[/i] Vera: If only the light had woken her, it was not feeling well and the urge to vomit that did. Gene: Hey, that door is good for backs! She wakes up well rested but with the sun streaming right on her face. Damn it. Lauren: While it might have been nice to wake up to sun and the smell of eggs, you only wake up to one and they are rotten. Seems Vera is leaning over the edge of her side of the bed, hurling in a bucket. Josephine: Seems someone made sure the curtains were drawn, so only a small sliver of sunlight is coming in when the sun comes up. It's bright and concentrated but at least the warmth from the concentrated beam hits her chin first before slowly crawling over her face - it is probably the easiest wake up for anyone. Mosi: Porthole shaped and sized beam hits her face as she rolls over - fucking hell - you're up you're up! Mahendra: You wake up to some bright light and a bone chill. God you need something warm to drink. Richard: You wake up to the sound of a thousand plates breaking. Outside your door there is a mess and one very frustrated worker trying to pick up the glass. Shattered plates all down the hallway from a cart that got turned over. At least there was no food on them yet. Faye: You wake up to the same noise as Richard but luckily for you, you only have the tail end of the mess in front of your door. George: Did you even sleep last night? Or just stare at a wall? You need coffee. Nora: You woke up before the sun rose, some how that is just how it works. [color=ed1c24]*Do remember that depending on your tickets, depends on where you can get breakfast. Same as what it was for dinner. This will remain the same during the duration of the boat trip. Now, having said that - don't worry about going into detail about breakfast or finding out specifics. You have a decent breakfast that is in line with the level of your rooms. Just go with it. Try not to drag things along. We don't need 3 rounds of posts to eat some damn eggs. [/color] [b][i][color=f7976a]The Next Day - Breakfast:[/color][/i][/b] Vera groaned as she finished spitting into the waste bucket. She wished she had been able to make it to a loo but that wasn't happening. By the time she came awake enough to move it was coming and there was nothing to hold it back. She couldn't even remember what she ate the night before but whatever it was and whatever she had eaten five years previously had made its way out of the bowels of hell and into the waste basket. Setting the basket down she curled up and wiped her mouth with a handkerchief. She hoped that was the last of it but if her body decided to reject anything, they could have organs at this point because that was all that was left other than bile. Apparently even though she had gotten changed out of the wet clothing she hadn't fared well over the night and now had a fever. Maybe it was better this way. Sure having a fever, feeling like you had been run over by a camel, and throwing up tea she drank when she was five was not the best way to start a day but we have to remember how easily it is for Vera to get hurt. Perhaps a day in bed sick might actually save her life. Either way, she knew she wasn't moving from where she was and she curled up tighter, pulling the blanket over her head. All she wanted to do was sleep. Who could blame her? Now George, he had slept but not much, mostly dozing in his chair as he nursed a drink. The best part of the evening was when he got back to his room and was finally able to take off the tin mask he wore to cover his war wound. By the time the sun had broken light in his room he was dressed, cleaned up, and ready for the day. Making his way out of his room he locked the door behind him and made his way to the stairs. Showing his ticket before moving quickly up to the Elite Deck and down to where Lauren's room was since Vera had stayed there the night before. Going to knock he stopped himself. What if the girls were still asleep? Sure, something could have happened over night but his sister could handle things if it did and he was sure she would have let him know. She had traveled all the way to Egypt to just inform him of their friend. Taking a breath he turned and leaned back against the wall near the door and slid down it. Pulling his knees up and draping his arms over them as he waited for one of the girls to get up and come out. He didn't just want to stand there so just got comfortable. Checking his watch, it wasn't too late passed sunrise yet, so there was plenty of time. He was in no hurry. This was a boat, not like there were a lot of places one could go and go things.