"Hey!" Kjolmar laughed and followed Olli. It didn't take long before they encountered some wild pokemon. It would be an excellent idea to catch a Kalos region pokemon to add to his team. But to do so, he had to weaken it in a battle. He noticed a panda-like creature with a leaf in it's mouth and took out his pokedex. [i]Pancham, the playful pokemon. It does its best to be taken seriously by its enemies, but its glare is not sufficiently intimidating. Chewing on a leaf is its trademark.[/i] "Alright, that's the one I want! Emolga, come on out!" Emolga appeared with a great confidence as it shouted it's name. Kjolmar pointed to the wild Pancham. "Emolga, use Thundershock on Pancham!" Emolga flew up, made a loop and used Quick Attack, knocking Pancham back. Kjolmar seemed confused. "That's not... Thundershock... But it worked I guess... Okay, Emolga, use another Quick Attack while Pancham is still down!" Emolga seemed more interested in an apple hanging in a tree, however. It flew to the tree and started nibbling the apple. Kjolmar sighed deeply. "Emoooolgaaa..." Kjolmar saw no other choice but to retreat Emolga and switch it with another pokemon to finish the battle. "Panpour, I choose you! Use Fury Swipes!" Luckily, Panpour seemed to have no trouble following orders and it used Fury Swipes. Pancham dodged it and tackled Panpour, hitting it rather hard. "Don't give up, Panpour, use Water Gun!" That moved seemed to be rather effective and it knocked Pancham out cold. Kjolmar quickly threw a pokeball and caught Pancham. "Succes! I caught myself a Pancham!" As Kjolmar retreated Panpour, his enthusiasm regarding the battle outcome could be spotted from a mile away. "Did you see that, Olli?" he asked with great pride. He had completely forgotten about Emolga's disobedience.