Now this was really getting annoying. Those small spiders kept protecting the big ones, and the group could not take care of those dang things. How to stop them though. What could the group even do to destroy those nasty things. She though about it a bit a bit.. and had a crazy idea... She looked at her arm... then concentrated, before going and throwing some of her slime towards some spiders, trying to engulf them like this and possibly damage them, maybe suffocate them. She tried to go and have them not be able to breath and make it that one of the big spiders would at least be vulnerable. She just hoped the group would be able to actually take care of the rest. Sure enough, the slime seem to do the trick on some of the spiders, making them unable to breath. [color=a793e5]"Go.. and attack... "[/color] she says, breathing deeply. That was difficult to do.. but it might give the group an opening to attack.