All the Pokémon present piled their attacks onto the lone bidoof. Had he been a mere bidoof he would’ve been easily defeated, but his surprising ghost typing cut much of the power of the other Pokémon. The ghostly beaver flared at all the Pokémon surrounding him and growled loudly, with a macabre echo that made his cute growl sound more like the revving of a chainsaw. Such a fearsome growl would quickly cut the attack of the Pokémon closest to him. But alas, he would not survive the next assault. Vi’s Attack once more didn’t seem to give her any feedback on her end, but she would notice some sort of an effect as the bidoof suddenly flinched by some invisible force. Unlike before the shimmering was more vibrant, almost a translucent flame. As if Vi’s desire to “fry” the bidoof did manifest as a psychic flame. It was this moment that would give Celina an opening to peck the bidoof in the face, causing the Pokémon to fall to the side. But as soon as it struck the ground the bidoof’s red peircing eyes faded and the body vanished into dust blown by the wind. It sounded like the larger furfrou from before was still fighting his own battle, but fortunately it seemed like the fighting wasn’t getting any closer to the cave. The weather however only seemed to get worse as the clouds darken as the rain picked up. Cecilia and Vi would find it harder to stay stable in the air as the combination of wind and rain battered their floating forms. Even the other nonflying Pokémon would occasionally have to avoid a leaf or twig from smacking their face as the wind started throwing things around. It was best that they return to the cave more this storm does more damage to them than the bidoof.