[h1]The Twenty-Fifth Hour[/h1][hr][h3]Concept[/h3] [i]The Twenty-Fifth Hour[/i] is conceptualized as a forum variant incarnation of classical text-based games, wherein the players offer very limited input via posts and the character in question, as described by the Game Master, responds to that input. Such a limited input would be no more than three mildly complex sentences that describe actions, reactions, dialogue both inner or outer and so forth. The intent is to create a dynamic and reactive experience where the players' choices matter more based on what few things they can manage with the character, rather than through their elaboration or length. Furthermore, in paying homage to these far more crude text-based games, the responses given by the Game Master are more elaborate and lengthy, so as to provide players with critical information, but not to exceed two complex paragraphs. Continued, to foster a sense of urgency in posting, the most recent posting player in response to the Game Master's reply is the one who decides the next series of actions. However, once they have posted and the next reply sent, they may not again determine the events carried out; another player in the group must post before they may again. It remains despite this, a "first come, first served" mentality. The goal of the players is to create a unified narrative between them and guide the shared character to success. Because, keeping with older design philosophy, punishment and failure are real threats; failure means defeat and presumably death for the character in some cases. To help further incentivize players, all aspects of the character are driven by their decisions, the Game Master merely plays out the outcome of those decisions almost akin to an invisible driving mechanism for the narrative, rather than making them for the players. As imagined, the game leans conceptually toward a more mature take on its elements and is intended to be played seriously. There is an underlying sense of something strange involved, as one would suspect when the narrative is initially vary malleable and only further evolves as players refine it by their choices, thus horror could be considered an undertone but not the focus. No less, because it generates dynamically, there is no real prediction what other genre it will branch into or borrow from; all the Game Master can do is interpret the inputs of the players and attempt to use context to guide the narrative. This further adds incentive for players to try to be cohesive and collaborate to build a narrative, as incompatible elements amount to a waste of time and thus a turn. The game is not intended for more than five players, with two at minimum preferred in order to alternate. It is not intended for parties who have no interest in potentially mature themes, i.e., descriptive violence. There is no element in its intended concept to appeal to all individuals; this topic's "game" is for a niche audience and is meant to play differently. It is strictly meant to be an elaboration of text-based adventure games of old in a slightly different medium and with a group playing a singular character. [h3]Sample[/h3] [quote=Player]"I stop where I am and decide to hide in the bushes. I then check my inventory for binoculars, hoping I have a pair. From there, I look at the strange tree and investigate it, watching it for a few minutes."[/quote] [quote=Game Master]"You rummage through your crude hiking pack, hoping that you might have something of use. Fortunately, fate would have it that your binoculars made it through the events that led you here, still functional as they had been, albeit slightly worse for wear. Despite their damage, upon adjusting them to your eyes in the dying light of the evening, they reveal that the strange tree on the horizon was worthy of being suspicious of. Odd, filament like sprigs hang from its branches, reminding you of a weeping willow, although the uncharacteristic grey bark of the tree and its ominous cracked wood suggests there is more to it." "You notice, as you hide in the undergrowth, that there are no sounds of birds. This wasn't the case earlier and now the lack of any animals around you at all is mildly disquieting. It becomes evident the longer you observe your surroundings over your period of concealment that something is terribly wrong but you cannot quite put your finger on it. Whatever it is, the uncanny circumstance is foreboding and troubling internally. With this in mind, you return your attention to the unsettling, pale tree as it remains still in the silent forest."[/quote][h3]Expectations[/h3] The expectations are exceedingly simple. The Game Master has the final say on any event and the parties involved, both in the meta and the game itself. Players who become inactive will be discredited and eschewed from the game, as will invalid entries, such as those by non-sanctioned parties or players in any violation of rules associated with the forum by their proposed action. Posts should come daily by at least one member, so long as they are not determining the actions twice; any period of delay more than a few days will result in the game automatically progressing as if the character's decision was to do nothing. [h3]Questions[/h3] Interested parties that wish to know about any further details not outlined in this post may pose their comments, concerns, and questions to follow. Responses to these will appear in this section for further use in a typical "Question and Answer" format to serve as a registry for potentially other interested parties and or readers. Please check this section before posing any remarks. If a response from the Game Master is unclear, despite the message already being included here, please specify the issue taken. [hider=Questions and Answers] [quote]Still interested although I'm curious as to what the exact setting of the RP will be?[/quote] The exact setting will be determined by the players, depending upon what is done once the game is initiated. By virtue, this makes the start of the game extremely important and quickly sets the tone and direction. The two most major paths it can take is toward fantasy or science fiction but it may branch into other elements. That is purely up to the decisions and actions - or lack thereof - from the players. [quote]And the way this has been described makes it seem as though all the players are in control of the same character, which is completely fine by me I just want to make sure My sleep deprived mind isn't reading it wrong.[/quote] You are correct, all players are in control of one singular character. There is only one main character. All other characters, if any, are under the assumption of the Game Master who controls them as individual entities. This is to prevent the narrative from splintering into a thousand directions when presented with what amounts to grand levels of free will, limited only by where one falls in posting order. [quote]Part of me is liking the potential of this turning into a kind of weird meta horror where the character becomes aware they're being dragged around on different directions by different individual forces but I'm not sure that's exactly the desired theme here. [/quote] This outcome is entirely possible based upon decisions taken by the party. It is not out of the question that the character starts to realize they are being pulled in many directions. However, there is truly no telling or knowing just where the narrative may go.[/hider][h3]Mentions[/h3] The following are persons who previously voiced interest. If you are receiving this notice, please respond with a confirmation of continued interest or a declaration of abstaining upon knowing more: [@DocRock], [@Polybius], [@Pyromaniacwolf].