[h3]Alexander[/h3] "It's more that in my world, if you need to look for something you get to the highest point you can and look down," he replied, "None of this neck craning stuff except to see your way up the rigging." It seemed he was the last in line to stroll through, aside from Kade himself. He nodded toward the older man about not eating or drinking anything, then took a breath and a step over the threshold. It was the wind that hit him first. Not the howling stormy wind from whence they'd come, but a warm, gentle breeze brushing against his face. The kind of wind that only appeared under an open sky on a late spring day. He felt lighter. No less strong, but his body felt like it weighed a full third less, almost, and if he were to jump it would be an accordingly higher height. And the smell on the breeze... Julie's smell. He'd recognize it anywhere. Oh it was faint and barely perceptible, but it was there and he knew it- and then it was gone. The breeze stopped without warning, the smell vanished, and his own weight collapsed down on him again. He stumbled briefly from the unexpected sensation, but managed to keep his balance. "Oof," he exclaimed, "That wasn't graceful at all, now was it?" "So this is it then."