[center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/b4337456a3f022cfd5a28778cc640363/tumblr_inline_mmb5umGqco1qz4rgp.gif[/img][/center] [h1][center][u][color=8493ca]~Azura Nova Parker~[/color][/u][/center][/h1] [center][i][color=7bcdc8]Location: Hestia Housing ~ Mystic Forest ~ Naiades Lake [@Altered Tundra][@Rockette] [/color][/i][/center] [hr] After having received her semester schedule as well as her dormitory assignments, the young goddess thought it would be best if she placed her belongings in her room. There was no sense in carrying them everywhere she went. With purpose in her stride she made her way towards the ornate buildings she had passed earlier upon arriving in Colorado. Compared to the small town she had come from, the student housing looked as if it were made for the extremely wealthy. Matching the schools' marble facade, its very presence represented everything Olympus Academy stood for. Magic, Wisdom, and of coarse, Power. She straightened her shoulders with her head held high. It was time that she took hold of her destiny. No longer was she a child finding her way through life, now she needed to be herself and shine. Being brought up around mortals her entire life had caused her to be quite humble when it came to her abilities. At school she would do her best as to try and act "normal" around others. This led to purposefully ostracizing herself and becoming a loner. Now it was if she could breathe, spread her wings a little. She could truly be herself and she wouldn't have to hide a thing. Other students that attended this institution knew exactly what she was going through. Maybe they could give her a few pointers along the way. Her emerald gaze muddled as her feelings shifted. The center of her eyes now a metallic gold glinted against the bright lights in the lobby. Too much change had happened too quickly. She missed her home in Michigan. She missed her father and their cozy home in town. She even missed her bedroom ceiling at home with her glow in the dark star stickers. Glancing down she noted her room number committing it to memory. [i]Room 2N, Apartment Building Omega[/i] The brunette entered the lobby and gasped, amazed at the first thing she saw. A chandelier. She had never seen one before, it was as if a jar of diamonds hung from the ceiling and had trapped thousands of little lightening bugs. After she was able to move her attention elsewhere she noticed the rest of the room. A welcoming/security station sat desolate near the entrance. Shelves were organized neatly around the counter containing bits of information about the campus and the town around it. Upon further inspection she picked up a brochure that had a map of the entire area on it. [i]This will come in handy.[/i] She thought as she folded the piece of paper storing it in the front pocket of her jeans. Next to the unoccupied desk was a wall of golden mailboxes. Each box had a room number and was divided into two slots. Each one was labeled with a name tag for the respected individual who would receive its' contents. There was also a golden elevator with glass paneling and a doorway that was presumed to have led to a stairwell in case the elevator was out of order. Her combat boots thudded and echoed with each step. Since she was carrying three heavy bags she decided to take the elevator to the second floor. As she meandered down the hallway she watched the letters on each doorway change and sang the alphabet in her head as if to accompany it. [color=00a99d]"Room N. Here we are."[/color] Azura murmured as she slowly opened the cherry wood door careful not to smack it into the wall on the opposite side. If she had a roommate they had not arrived yet. Probably stranded in the morning rush or reminiscing with old friends. It looked as if the apartment consisted of a private bedroom for each resident and a shared kitchen, bathroom, and common area. The kitchen was modern and up to date allowing advanced cooking for whomever desired to dine in. While the living room had a small couch, coffee table, and plasma screen on the wall. She chose the bedroom on the right and placed her mere belongings on the plush king sized mattress in the center of the living space. A quick look around showed that she also had a walk in closet, desk, and a large window overlooking a beautiful garden area. Normally Azura would have settled in, maybe read a good book and fall asleep before starting classes. However, after having to sit in an airport all day and then ride in a plane she needed to explore. Stretch her legs and observe her surroundings. If possible she could find a secluded area where she could practice a few tricks she had learned. Her eyes lit up while she immediately pulled out the pamphlet she had picked up in the lobby. The map depicted a few interesting things. Just beyond the towns perimeter was a blob of green marked "Mystic Forest." Finally she would get to see and experience some of the nature Colorado had to offer. [hr] It took her a good 15 minutes to hike to the woods entrance but here she was. Instantly she felt her muscles relax and began to breath in the forests earthy scent. She read somewhere that Pagans would walk the forest floor barefoot to cleanse themselves of toxins and absorb the great mothers healing properties. Without a moments hesitation she peeled off her combat boots and revealed her beloved Garfield socks. The orange overweight tabby was obviously upset because he had a piece of broccoli in his food bowl. What nonsense. After removing those as well she looked down and smiled for the first time in weeks. Her black painted toenails were chipped as they dug in the dirt. She was happy. She was home. Having left her other possessions at the apartment she was glad that she had the foresight to bring her canvas messenger bag with her. She placed her footwear right next to the spell tome her mother had given her a month ago. She watched the sun sink into the skys horizon along with the watercolor sunset that resulted from it. Night would be upon them soon and her ritual still required water and sand. Two ingredients she did not have on her. A rookie mistake for a demigoddess who specialized in spell casting. Thankfully she had noted earlier that there was a body of water within the center of the magical woods. Her feet led her as she danced in and out of the line of tree trunks blocking her path. She twirled singing softly a few Latin hymns she had memorized from her magic tome. Her voice lilted above the lowest branches sounding as if it had a Celtic background. She felt the power of the Lake pull her ever closer to its shore. Closing her eyes she felt the moon begin to peak out of its hiding spot as it began its ascent. At last she arrived. She stood still, appreciating the moment for what it was. The calm waters lapping over and over, the wind gently rustling the leaves. Her hair shifted in the breeze and tickled her nose. She could feel her powers growing stronger as nightfall drew nearer. The corners of her lips were turned up in a smirk, her head tipped back as the energy of life around her caressed her cheek. Azura was about to kneel down and collect her ingredients when she felt it. The presence of two other immortals. Her head snapped to attention, eyes falling on a pair of students trekking across the sand. They looked similar, possibly related. Both had the same skin tone, moonlit pale. The woman had dark raven hair and was thin in stature. With Azura being plump for most of her life she had to struggle and bite back the jealous monster that was rearing her ugly head. Even though she wore clothes that were slightly plain, her beauty shone through... but in an eerie fashion. Something troubling was etched into her haunted expression that seemed to be weighing the poor girl down. This made the daughter of Hecate immediately want to comfort and coddle the life like porcelain doll before her but of coarse, society dictated that she show some restraint. It was the man next to her that caused Azura to sway. She grew slightly dizzy as her vision began to fade while a striking realization flooded her senses. He was tall with a lean muscular build. His style was obviously rebellious and his hair shone in beautiful golden strands. But it was the eyes. Eyes that were as blue as the Lapis Lazuli stones she wore around her wrist. About a month before she arrived at Olympus Academy Azura had a dream... well more of a nightmare. She couldn't remember the entire dream but she KNEW that he had been in it. She knew she had seen those eyes before. Only in her dream, they belonged to a dark shadowy figure with spikes growing out of its' skin. An angry force whose rage was about to wipe out everything in existence. It was when she saw him in person that she knew for sure. The dream she had had been too real. It had effected her so severely that it was not just a mere hallucination... but a premonition.