The attack on the huntsman as he shifted into place on the other side of the trap threw him for a moment from his routine, as it came from behind. Instinctively, with barely contained restraint, he wheeled around and was set to strike back, only for the young priestess to be full of shock and apology, the poison making her woozy and clouded in thought. The reactionary measure and barely stayed swing of the sword's bite delayed him further, only to be struck by a stone cast by the kobolds. It really them more than anything that redirected the menacing ire but by now they were already prepared for a fight. Owing to this, the incoherent attack and lack of true surprise made the weapon far easier to avoid as the man closed the distance, putting himself among the scaly fiends. What was not easier for them was that their slings were not nearly as useful in close combat and that they would need make a choice between them and their other weapons scattered about. Or better yet, if they fled. Brannor had no qualms about felling the leading edge of the two-handed blade down atop them if they so much as turned for a break and escape. They were not worth the consideration, not after all they had done in service to this dragon-queen and with the added misfortune that mercy was not the strongest of suits to test with the wilder. [hider=Effects] Brannor closes the distance to the enemies, being on the other side of the trap, then makes an attack against one of the kobolds with his greatsword, rolling an [url=]8[/url] to hit. If an enemy provokes an attack of opportunity, he will take the attack against the first provoking target.[/hider] [@Hekazu][@Ryonara][@Zverda][@Lucius Cypher][@Norschtalen]